Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.11.0-dev
    v1.11.0 development
  • v1.10.0-rc1
      * Remove legacy handling of drone token (#8191)
      * Change repo search to use exact match for topic search. (#7941)
      * Add pagination for admin api get orgs and fix only list public orgs bug (#7742)
      * Implement the ability to change the ssh port to match what is in the gitea config (#7286)
      * Org/Members: display 2FA members states + optimize sql requests (#7621)
      * SetDefaultBranch on pushing to empty repository (#7610)
      * Adds side-by-side diff for images (#6784)
      * API method to list all commits of a repository (#6408)
      * Password Complexity Checks  (#6230)
      * Add option to initialize repository with labels (#6061)
      * Add additional password hash algorithms (#6023)
      * Fix errors in create org UI regarding team access permission (#8506)
      * Fix bug on FindExternalUsersByProvider (#8504)
      * Create .ssh dir as necessary (#8486)
      * IsBranchExist: return false if provided name is empty (#8485)
      * Making openssh listen on SSH_LISTEN_PORT not SSH_PORT (#8477)
      * Add check for empty set when dropping indexes during migration (#8471)
      * LFS files are relative to LFS content path, ensure that when deleting they are made relative to this (#8455)
      * Ensure Request Body Readers are closed in LFS server (#8454)
      * Fix template bug on mirror repository setting page (#8438)
      * Fix migration v96 to keep issue attachments (#8435)
      * Update strk.kbt.io/projects/go/libravatar to latest (#8429)
      * Singular form for files that has only one line (#8416)
      * Check for either escaped or unescaped wiki filenames (#8408)
      * Allow users with explicit read access to give approvals (#8382)
      * Fix editor commit to new branch if PR disabled (#8375)
      * readd .markdown class to all markup renderers (#8357)
      * Upgrade xorm to v0.7.9 to fix some bugs (#8354)
      * Fix column name ambiguity in GetUserIssueStats() (#8347)
      * Change general form binding to gogs form (#8334)
      * Fix pull request commit status in user dashboard list (#8321)
      * Fix repo_admin_change_team_access always checked in org settings (#8319)
      * Update to github.com/lafriks/xormstore@v1.3.0 (#8317)
      * Show correct commit status in PR list (#8316)
      * Bugfix for image compare and minor improvements to image compare (#8289)
      * Update xorm (#8286)
      * Fix API for edit and delete release attachment (#8285)
      * Fix nil object access in some conditions when parsing cross references (#8281)
      * Fix label count (#8267)
      * Only show teams access for organization repositories on collaboration setting page (#8265)
      * Test more reserved usernames (#8263)
      * Rewrite reference processing code in preparation for opening/closing from comment references (#8261)
      * Fix assets key on release webhook (#8253)
      * Allow registration when button is hidden (#8237)
      * Fix release API URL generation (#8234)
      * Fix milestone num_issues (#8221)
      * MS Teams webhook misses commit messages (#8209)
      * Fix data race (#8204)
      * Fix team user api (#8172)
      * Fix pull merge 500 error caused by git-fetch breaking behaviors (#8161)
      * Make show private icon when repo avatar set (#8144)
      * Add reviewers as participants (#8121)
      * Fix Go 1.13 private repository go get issue (#8112)
      * feat: highlight issue references with : (#8101)
      * Make AllowedUsers configurable in sshd_config (#8094)
      * Strict name matching for Repository.GetTagID() (#8074)
      * Avoid ambiguity of branch/directory names for the git-diff-tree command (#8066)
      * Add change title notification for issues (#8061)
      * [ssh] fix the config specification in the authorized_keys template (#8031)
      * Fix reading git notes from nested trees (#8026)
      * Fixes synchronize tags to releases for repository - makes sure we are only getting tag refs (#7990)
      * Fix adding default Telegram webhook (#7972)
      * Run CORS handler first for /api routes (#7967)
      * Abort synchronization from LDAP source if there is some error. (#7960)
      * Fix wrong sender when send slack webhook (#7918)
      * Fix bug when migrating a private repository (#7917)
      * Evaluate emojis in commit messages in list view (#7906)
      * Fix upload file type check (#7890)
      * lfs/lock: round locked_at timestamp to second (#7872)
      * fix non existent milestone with 500 error instead of 404 (#7867)
      * gpg/bugfix: Use .ExpiredUnix.IsZero to display green color of forever valid gpg key (#7846)
      * Fix duplicate call of webhook (#7821)
      * Enable switching to a different source branch when PR already exists (#7819)
      * Convert files to utf-8 for indexing (#7814)
      * Do not fetch all refs in pull-request compare (#7797)
      * Fix multiple bugs with statuses endpoints at API (#7785)
      * Restore functionality for early gits (#7775)
      * Fix Slack webhook fork message (#7774)
      * Rewrite existing repo units if setting is not included in api body (#7763)
      * Fix rename failed when rewrite public keys (#7761)
      * Fix approvals counting (#7757)
      * Add migration step to remove old repo_indexer_status orphaned records (#7746)
      * Fix repo_index_status lingering when deleting a repository (#7734)
      * Remove camel case tokenization from repo indexer (#7733)
      * Fix milestone completness calculation when migrating (#7725)
      * Regression: Include "executable" files in the index, as they are not necessarily … (#7718)
      * Fixes indexed repos keeping outdated indexes when files grow too large (#7712)
      * Skip non-regular files (e.g. submodules) on repo indexing (#7711)
      * Fix dropTableColumns sqlite implementation (#7710)
      * Update gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4 to v4.13.1 (#7705)
      * improve branches list performance and fix protected branch icon when no-login (#7695)
      * Correct wrong datetime format for git (#7689)
      * Move add to hook queue for created repo to outside xorm session. (#7675)
      * sugestion to use range .Branches (#7674)
      * Fix bug on migrating milestone from github (#7665)
      * hide delete/restore button on archived repos (#7658)
      * css: use flex to fix floating paginate (#7656)
      * Fix syntax highlight initialization (#7617)
      * Fix panic on push at - Merging pull request causes 500 error (#7615)
      * Make PKCS8, PEM and SSH2 keys work (#7600)
      * Fix mistake in arc-green.less split-diff css code. (#7587)
      * Handle ErrUserProhibitLogin in http git (#7586)
      * Fix bug create/edit wiki pages when code master branch protected (#7580)
      * Fixes Malformed URLs in API git/commits response (#7565)
      * Fix file header overflow in file and blame views (#7562)
      * Improve SSH key parser to handle newlines in keys (#7522)
      * Fix empty commits now showing in repo overview (#7521)
      * Fix repository's pull request count error (#7518)
      * Fix markdown invoke sequence (#7513)
      * Remove duplicated webhook trigger (#7511)
      * Update User.NumRepos atomically in createRepository (#7493)
      * Fix settings page of repo you aren't admin print error - Settings pages giving UnitType error message (#7482)
      * Fix redirection after file edit - Handles all redirects for Web UI File CRUD (#7478)
      * cmd/serv: actually exit after fatal errors (#7458)
      * Fix an issue with some pages throwing 'not defined' js exceptions (#7450)
      * fix Dropzone.js integration (#7445)
      * Fix regex for issues in commit messages (#7444)
      * Diff: Fix indentation on unhighlighted code (#7435)
      * Only show "New Pull Request" button if repo allows pulls (#7426)
      * Upgrade macaron/captcha to fix random error problem (#7407)
      * create class for inline positioned lists (#7393)
      * Fetch refs for successful testing for tag (#7388)
      * add missing template variable on organisation settings (#7385)
      * fix post parameter - on issue list - unset assignee (#7380)
      * fix/define autochecked checkboxes on issue list in firefox (#7320)
      * only return head: null if source branch was deleted (#6705)
      * Add nofollow to sign in links (#8509)
      * vendor: update mvdan.cc/xurls/v2 to v2.1.0 (#8495)
      * Update milestone issues numbers when save milestone and other code improvements (#8411)
      * Add extra user information when migrating release (#8331)
      * Require overall success if no context is given for status check (#8318)
      * Transaction-aware retry create issue to cope with duplicate keys (#8307)
      * Change link on issue milestone (#8246)
      * Alwaywas return local url for users avatar (#8245)
      * Move some milestone functions to a standalone package (#8213)
      * Move create issue comment to comments package (#8212)
      * Disable max height property of comment textarea (#8203)
      * Add 'Mentioning you' group to /issues page (#8201)
      * oauth2 with remote Gitea (#8149)
      * Reference issues from pull requests and other issues (#8137)
      * Fix webhooks to use proxy from environment (#8116)
      * Add merged commit id on pull view when it's merged (#8062)
      * Add teams to repo on collaboration page. (#8045)
      * Update swagger to 0.20.1  (#8010)
      * Make link last commit massages in repository home page and commit tables (#8006)
      * Add API endpoint for accessing repo topics (#7963)
      * Include description in repository search (#7942)
      * Use gitea forked macaron (#7933)
      * Fix pull creation with empty changes (#7920)
      * Allow token as authorization for accessing attachments (#7909)
      * Retry create issue to cope with duplicate keys (#7898)
      * Move git diff codes from models to services/gitdiff (#7889)
      * migrate gplus to google oauth2 provider (#7885)
      * Remove unique filter from repo indexer analyzer. (#7878)
      * Detect delimiter in CSV rendering (#7869)
      * Import topics during migration (#7851)
      * Move CreateReview to modules/pull (#7841)
      * vendor: update pdf.js to v2.1.266 (#7834)
      * Support SSH_LISTEN_PORT env var in docker app.ini template (#7829)
      * Add Ability for User to Customize Email Notification Frequency (#7813)
      * Move database settings from models to setting (#7806)
      * Display ui time with customize time location (#7792)
      * Implement webhook branch filter (#7791)
      * Restrict repository indexing by glob match (#7767)
      * Api: advanced settings for repository (external wiki, issue tracker etc.) (#7756)
      * Update migrated repositories' issues/comments/prs poster id if user has a github external user saved (#7751)
      * deps: Upgrade gopkg.in/editorconfig/editorconfig-core-go.v1 (#7749)
      * Apply emoji on commit graph page (#7743)
      * Add a lot of extension to language mappings for syntax highlights (#7741)
      * Add SQL execution on log and indexes on table repository and comment (#7740)
      * Set DB connection error level to error (#7724)
      * Check commit message hashes before making links (#7713)
      * remove unnecessary fmt on generate bindata (#7706)
      * Fix specific highlighting (CMakeLists.txt ...) (#7686)
      * Add file status on API (#7671)
      * Add support for DEFAULT_ORG_MEMBER_VISIBLE (#7669)
      * Provide links in commit summaries in commits table/view list (#7659)
      * Change length of some repository's columns (#7652)
      * Move commit repo action from models to repofiles package (#7645)
      * fix wrong email when use gitea as OAuth2 provider (#7640)
      * [Branch View] add download button (#7604)
      * Update to xorm@v0.7.4 (#7596)
      * use 403 instead of 401 for ErrUserProhibitLogin (#7591)
      * Removed unnecessary conversions (#7557)
      * Un-lambda base.FileSize (#7556)
      * Added missing error checks in tests (#7554)
      * Move create release from models to a standalone package (#7539)
      * Make default branch name link to default branch (#7519)
      * Added total count of contributions to heatmap (#7517)
      * Move mirror to a standalone package from models (#7486)
      * Move models.PushUpdate to repofiles.PushUpdate (#7485)
      * Include thread related headers in issue/coment mail (#7484)
      * Refuse merge until all required status checks success (#7481)
      * convert all js var to let/const (#7464)
      * Only create branches for opened pull requestes when migrating from github (#7463)
      * jQuery 3 (#7425)
      * Add notification placeholder (#7409)
      * Search Commits via Commit Hash (#7400)
      * Move status table to cron package (#7370)
      * wiki - page revisions list  (#7369)
      * Display original author and URL information when showing migrated issues/comments (#7352)
      * Refactor filetype is not allowed errors (#7309)
      * switch to use gliderlabs/ssh for builtin server (#7250)
      * Remove settting dependency on modules/session (#7237)
      * Move all mail related codes from models to services/mailer (#7200)
      * Support git.PATH entry in app.ini (#6772)
      * Support setting cookie domain (#6288)
      * Move migrating repository from frontend to backend (#6200)
      * Delete releases attachments if release is deleted (#6068)
      * Ignore mentions for users with no access (#8395)
      * Be more strict with git arguments (#7715)
      * reserve .well-known username (#7637)
      * Latvian translation for home page (#8468)
      * Add home template italian translation (#8352)
      * fix misprint (#7452)
    * BUILD
      * use go 1.13 (#8088)
    * MISC
      * add file line count info on UI (#8396)
      * Make issues page left menu 100% width and add reponame as title attribute (#8359)
      * [arc-green] white on hover for active menu items (#8344)
      * Move ref (branch or tag) location on issue list page (#8157)
      * apply emoji on dashboard issue list labels (#8156)
      * 1148: Take up the full width when viewing the diff in split view. (#8114)
      * Display description of 'make this repo private' as help text, not as tooltip (#8097)
      * Fixes deformed emoji in pull request reviews (#8047)
      * Add strike to old header on comment (#8046)
      * Add tooltip for the visibility checkbox in /repo/create (#8025)
      * Update github.com/lafriks/xormstore and tidy up mod.go (#8020)
      * keep blame view buttons sequence consistent with normal view when view a file (#8007)
      * Use "Pull Request" instead of "Merge Request" (#8003)
      * Move line number to :before attr to hide from search on browser (#8002)
      * Changed black color to white for (read) number label on issue list page (#8000)
      * [Branch View] show "New Pull Request" Button only if posible (#7977)
      * Fix hook problem by only setting the git environment variables if we are passed them (#7854)
      * Prevent Commit Status and Message From Overflowing On Branch Page (#7800)
      * Fix global search result CSS, misc CSS tweaks (#7789)
      * Tweak label border CSS (#7739)
      * Fix create menu item widths (#7708)
      * Extract the username and password from the mirror url (#7651)
      * [Branch View] Delete duplicate protection symbol (#7624)
      * [Branch View] Delete Table Header (#7622)
      * [Branch View] icons to buttons (#7602)
      * update js dependencies (#7462)
      * Add Extra Info to Branches Page (#7461)
      * Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 (#7459)
      * wiki history improvements (#7391)
      * ui fixes - compare view and archieved repo issues (#7345)
      * dark theme scrollbars (#7269)
      * wiki - editor - add buttons 'inline code', 'empty checkbox', 'checked checkbox' (#7243)
      * Fix Statuses API only shows first 10 statuses: Add paging and extend API GetCommitStatuses (#7141)
  • v1.9.4
      * Highlight issue references (#8101) (#8404)
      * Fix bug when migrating a private repository #7917 (#8403)
      * Change general form binding to gogs form (#8334) (#8402)
      * Fix editor commit to new branch if PR disabled (#8375) (#8401)
      * Fix milestone num_issues (#8221) (#8400)
      * Allow users with explicit read access to give approvals (#8398)
      * Fix commit status in PR #8316 and PR #8321 (#8339)
      * Fix API for edit and delete release attachment (#8290)
      * Fix assets on release webhook (#8283)
      * Fix release API URL generation (#8239)
      * Allow registration when button is hidden (#8238)
      * MS Teams webhook misses commit messages (backport v1.9) (#8225)
      * Fix data race (#8206)
      * Fix pull merge 500 error caused by git-fetch breaking behaviors (#8194)
      * Fix the SSH config specification in the authorized_keys template (#8193)
      * Fix reading git notes from nested trees (#8189)
      * Fix team user api (#8172) (#8188)
      * Add reviewers as participants (#8124)
    * BUILD
      * Use vendored go-swagger (#8087) (#8165)
      * Fix version-validation for GO 1.13 (go-macaron/cors) (#8389)
    * MISC
      * Make show private icon when repo avatar set (#8144) (#8175)
  • v1.9.3
    2f715713 · target go1.12 ·
      * Fix go get from a private repository with Go 1.13 (#8100)
      * Strict name matching for Repository.GetTagID() (#8082)
      * Avoid ambiguity of branch/directory names for the git-diff-tree command (#8070)
      * Add change title notification for issues (#8064)
      * Run CORS handler first for /api routes (#7967) (#8053)
      * Evaluate emojis in commit messages in list view (#8044)
      * Fix failed to synchronize tags to releases for repository (#7990) (#7994)
      * Fix adding default Telegram webhook (#7972) (#7992)
      * Abort synchronization from LDAP source if there is some error (#7965)
      * Fix deformed emoji in commit message (#8071)
      * Keep blame view buttons sequence consistent with normal view when viewing a file (#8007) (#8009)
  • v1.9.2
      * Fix wrong sender when send slack webhook (#7918) (#7924)
      * Upload support text/plain; charset=utf8 (#7899)
      * Lfs/lock: round locked_at timestamp to second (#7872) (#7875)
      * Fix non existent milestone with 500 error (#7867) (#7873)
      * Fix No PGP signature on 1.9.1 tag (#7874)
      * Release built with go 1.12.9 to fix security fixes in golang std lib, ref: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/golang-announce/oeMaeUnkvVE/a49yvTLqAAAJ
      * Fix pull creation with empty changes (#7920) (#7926)
    * BUILD
      * Drone/docker: prepare multi-arch release + provide arm64 image (#7571) (#7884)
  • v1.9.1
  • v1.9.0
    8f290117 · 1.9.0 Changelog (#7676) ·
      * Better logging (#6038) (#6095)
      * Shadow the password on cache and session config on admin panel (#7300)
      * Fix markdown invoke sequence (#7513) (#7560)
      * Reserve .well-known username (#7638)
      * Do not leak secrets via timing side channel (#7364)
      * Ensure that decryption of cookie actually suceeds (#7363)
      * Content API for Creating, Updating, Deleting Files (#6314)
      * Enable tls-alpn-01: Use certmanager provided TLSConfig for LetsEncrypt (#7229)
      * Add command to convert mysql database from utf8 to utf8mb4 (#7144)
      * Fixes #2738 - Adds the /git/tags API endpoint (#7138)
      * Compare branches, commits and tags with each other (#6991)
      * Show Pull Request button or status of latest PR in branch list (#6990)
      * Repository avatars (#6986)
      * Show git-notes (#6984)
      * Add commit statuses reports on pull request view (#6845)
      * Number of commits ahead/behind in branch overview (#6695)
      * Add CLI commands to manage LDAP authentication source (#6681)
      * Add support for MS Teams webhooks (#6632)
      * OAuth2 Grant UI (#6625)
      * Add SUBJECT_PREFIX mailer config option (#6605)
      * Include custom configuration file in dump (#6516)
      * Add API for manipulating Git hooks (#6436)
      * Improve migrations to support migrating milestones/labels/issues/comments/pullrequests (#6290)
      * Add option to blame files (#5721)
      * Implement Default Webhooks (#4299)
      * Telegram webhook (#4227)
      * Send webhook after commit when creating issue with assignees (#7681) (#7684)
      * Upgrade macaron/captcha to fix random error problem (#7407) (#7683)
      * Move add to hook queue for created repo to outside xorm session. (#7682) (#7675)
      * Show protection symbol if needed on default branch (#7660) (#7668)
      * Hide delete/restore button on archived repos (#7660)
      * Fix bug on migrating milestone from github (#7665) (#7666)
      * Use flex to fix floating paginate (#7656) (#7662)
      * Change length of some repository's columns (#7652) (#7655)
      * Fix wrong email when use gitea as OAuth2 provider (#7640) (#7647)
      * Fix syntax highlight initialization (#7617) (#7626)
      * Fix bug create/edit wiki pages when code master branch protected (#7580) (#7623)
      * Fix panic on push at #7611 (#7615) (#7618)
      * Handle ErrUserProhibitLogin in http git (#7586, #7591) (#7590)
      * Fix color of split-diff view in dark theme (#7587) (#7589)
      * Fix file header overflow in file and blame views (#7562) (#7579)
      * Malformed URLs in API git/commits response (#7565) (#7567)
      * Fix empty commits now showing in repo overview (#7521) (#7563)
      * Fix repository's pull request count error (#7518) (#7524)
      * Remove duplicated webhook trigger (#7511) (#7516)
      * Handles all redirects for Web UI File CRUD (#7478) (#7507)
      * Fix regex for issues in commit messages (#7444) (#7466)
      * cmd/serv: actually exit after fatal errors (#7458) (#7460)
      * Fix an issue with some pages throwing 'not defined' js exceptions #7450 (#7453)
      * Fix Dropzone.js integration (#7445) (#7448)
      * Create class for inline positioned lists (#7439) (#7393)
      * Diff: Fix indentation on unhighlighted code (#7435) (#7443)
      * jQuery 3 (#7442) (#7425)
      * Only show "New Pull Request" button if repo allows pulls (#7426) (#7432)
      * Fix vendor references (#7394) (#7396)
      * Only return head: null if source branch was deleted (#6705) (#7376)
      * Add missing template variable on organisation settings (#7386) (#7385)
      * Fix post parameter on issue list which had unset assignee (#7380) (#7383)
      * Fix migration tests due to issue 7 being resolved (#7375) (#7381)
      * Correctly adjust mirror url (#6593)
      * Handle early git version's lack of get-url (#7065)
      * Fix icon position in issue view (#7354)
      * Cut timeline length with last element on issue view (#7355)
      * Fix mirror repository webhooks (#7366)
      * Fix api route for hooks (#7346)
      * Fix bug conflict between SyncReleasesWithTags and InsertReleases (#7337)
      * Fix pull view ui merge section (#7335)
      * Fix 7303 - remove unnessesary buttons on archived repos (#7326)
      * Fix topic bar to allow prefixes (#7325)
      * Fixes #7152 - Allow create/update/delete message to be empty, use default message (#7324)
      * Fixes #7238 - Annotated tag commit ID incorrect (#7321)
      * Dark theme fixes (#7319)
      * Gitea own dark codemirror theme (#7317)
      * Fixes #7292 - API File Contents bug (#7301)
      * Fix API link header (#7298)
      * Fix extra newlines when copying from diff in Firefox (#7288)
      * Make diff line-marker non-selectable (#7279)
      * Fix Submodule dection in subdir (#7275)
      * Fix error log when loading issues caused by a xorm bug (#7271)
      * Add .fa icon margin like .octicon (#7258)
      * Fix hljs unintenionally highlighting commit links (#7244)
      * Only check and config git on web subcommand but not others (#7236)
      * Fix migration panic when Head.User is not exist (#7226)
      * Only warn on errors in deleting LFS orphaned files during repo deletion (#7213)
      * Fix duplicated file on pull request conflicted files (#7211)
      * Allow colon between fixing word and issue (#7207)
      * Fix overflow issues in repo (#7190)
      * API error cleanup (#7186)
      * Add error for fork already existing (#7185)
      * Fixes diff on merged pull requests (#7171)
      * If milestone id is zero don't get it from database (#7169)
      * Fix pusher name via ssh push (#7167)
      * Fix database lock when use random repository fallback image (#7166)
      * Various fixes for issue mail notifications (#7165)
      * Allow archived repos to be (un)starred and (un)watched (#7163)
      * Fix GCArgs load from ini (#7156)
      * Detect noreply email address as user (#7133)
      * Avoid arbitrary format strings upon calling fail() function (#7112)
      * Validate External Tracker URL Format (#7089)
      * Repository avatar fallback configuration (#7087)
      * Fix #732: Add LFS objects to base repository on merging  (#7082)
      * Install page - Handle invalid administrator username better (#7060)
      * Workaround for posting single comments in split diff view (#7052)
      * Fix possbile mysql invalid connnection error (#7051)
      * Fix charset was not saved after installation finished (#7048)
      * Handle insecure and ports in go get (#7041)
      * Avoid bad database state after failed migration (#7040)
      * Fix wrong init dependency on markup extensions (#7038)
      * Fix default for allowing new organization creation for new users (#7017)
      * Fix content download and /verify LFS handler expecting wrong content-type (#7015)
      * Fix missing repo description when migrating (#7000)
      * Fix LFS Locks over SSH (#6999)
      * Do not attempt to return blob on submodule (#6996)
      * Fix U2F for Chrome >= 74 (#6980)
      * Fix index produces problem when issues/pulls deleted (#6973)
      * Allow collaborators to view repo owned by private org (#6965)
      * Stop running hooks on pr merge (#6963)
      * Run hooks on merge/edit and cope with protected branches (#6961)
      * Webhook Logs show proper HTTP Method, and allow change HTTP method in form (#6953)
      * Stop colorizing log files by default (#6949)
      * Rotate serv.log, http.log and hook logs and stop stacktracing in these (#6935)
      * Fix plain text overflow line wrap (#6915)
      * Fix input size for dependency select (#6913)
      * Change drone token name to let users know to use oauth2 (#6912)
      * Fix syntax highlight in blame view #6895 (#6909)
      * Use AppURL for Oauth user link (#6894)
      * Fixes #6881 - API users search fix (#6882)
      * Fix 404 when send pull request some situation  (#6871)
      * Enforce osusergo build tag for releases (#6862)
      * Fix 500 when reviewer is deleted with integration tests (#6856)
      * Fix v85.go (#6851)
      * Make dropTableColumns drop columns on sqlite and constraints on all (#6849)
      * Fix double-generation of scratch token (#6832) (#6833)
      * When mirroring we should set the remote to mirror (#6824)
      * Fix the v78 migration "Drop is_bare" on MSSQL #6707 (#6823)
      * Change verbose flag in dump command to avoid colliding with global version flag (#6822)
      * Fix #6813: Allow git.GetTree to take both commit and tree names (#6816)
      * Remove `seen` map from `getLastCommitForPaths` (#6807)
      * Show scrollbar only when needed (#6802)
      * Restore IsWindows variable assignment (#6722) (#6790)
      * Service worker js is a missing comma (#6788)
      * Fix team edit API panic (#6780)
      * Set user search base field optional in LDAP (simple auth) edit page (#6779)
      * Ignore already existing public keys after ldap sync (#6766)
      * Fix pulls broken when fork repository deleted (#6754)
      * Fix missing return (#6751)
      * Fix new team 500 (#6749)
      * OAuth2 token can be used in basic auth (#6747)
      * Fix org visibility bug when git cloning (#6743)
      * Fix bug when sort repos on org home page login with non-admin (#6741)
      * Stricter domain name pattern in email regex (#6739)
      * Fix admin template error (#6737)
      * Drop is_bare IDX only when it exists for MySQL and MariaDB (#6736)
      * UI: Detect and restore encoding and BOM in content  (#6727)
      * Load issue attributes when editing an issue with API (#6723)
      * Fix team members API (#6714)
      * Unfortunately MemProvider Init does not actually Init properly (#6692)
      * Fix partial reversion of #6657 caused by #6314 (#6685)
      * Prevent creating empty sessions (#6677)
      * Fixes #6659 - Swagger schemes selection default to page's protocol (#6660)
      * Update highlight.js to 9.15.6 (#6658)
      * Properly escape on the redirect from the web editor (#6657)
      * Fix #6655 - Don't EscapePound .Link as it is already escaped (#6656)
      * Use ctx.metas for SHA hash links (#6645)
      * Fix wrong GPG expire date (#6643)
      * upgrade version of lib/pq to v1.1.0 (#6640)
      * Fix forking an empty repository (#6637)
      * Fix issuer of OTP URI should be URI-encoded. (#6634)
      * Return a UserList from /api/v1/admin/users (#6629)
      * Add json tags for oauth2 form (#6627)
      * Remove extra slash from twitter card (#6619)
      * remove bash requirement in makefile (#6617)
      * Fix Open Graph og:image link (#6612)
      * Fix cross-compile builds (#6609)
      * Change commit summary to full message in API (#6591)
      * Fix bug user search API pagesize didn't obey ExplorePagingNum (#6579)
      * Prevent server 500 on compare branches with no common history (#6555)
      * Properly escape release attachment URL (#6512)
      * Delete local branch when repo branch is deleted (#6497)
      * Fix bug when user login and want to resend register confirmation email (#6482)
      * Fix upload attachments (#6481)
      * Avoid multi-clicks in oauth2 login (#6467)
      * Hacky fix for alignment of the create-organization dialog (#6455)
      * Change order that PostProcess Processors are run (#6445)
      * Clean up ref name rules (#6437)
      * Fix Hook & HookList in Swagger (#6432)
      * Fixed unitTypeCode not being used in accessLevelUnit (#6419)
      * Display correct error for invalid mirror interval (#6414)
      * Don't Unescape redirect_to cookie value (#6399)
      * Fix dump table name error and add some test for dump database (#6394)
      * Fix migrations 82 to ignore unsynced tags between database and git data and missing is_archived on repository table (#6387)
      * Make sure units of a team are returned (#6379)
      * Fix bug manifest.json will not request with cookie so that session will created every request (#6372)
      * Disable benchmarking during tag events on DroneIO (#6365)
      * Comments list performance optimization (#5305)
      * Update Drone docker generation to standard format (#7480) (#7496) (#7504)
      * Add API Endpoint for Repo Edit (#7006)
      * Add state param to milestone listing API (#7131)
      * Make captcha and password optional for external accounts (#6606)
      * Detect migrating batch size (#7353)
      * Fix 7255 - wrap long texts on user profile info (#7333)
      * Use commit graph files for listing pages (#7314)
      * Add git command line commitgraph support global default true when git version >= 2.18 (#7313)
      * Add LFS_START_SERVER option to control git-lfs support (#7281)
      * Dark theme markdown fixes (#7260)
      * Update go-git to v4.12.0 (#7249)
      * Show lfs config on admin panel (#7220)
      * Disable same user check for internal SSH (#7215)
      * Add LastLogin to the User API (#7196)
      * Add missing description of label on API (#7159)
      * Use go method to calculate ssh key fingerprint (#7128)
      * Enable Rust highlighting (#7125)
      * Refactor submodule URL parsing (#7100)
      * Change issue mail title. (#7064)
      * Use batch insert on migrating repository to make the process faster (#7050)
      * Improve github downloader on migrations (#7049)
      * When git version >= 2.18, git command could run with git wire protocol version 2 param if enabled (#7047)
      * Fix Erlang and Elixir highlight mappings (#7044)
      * API Org Visibility (#7028)
      * Improve handling of non-square avatars (#7025)
      * Bugfix: Align comment label and actions to the right (#7024)
      * Change UpdateRepoIndex api to include watchers (#7012)
      * Move serv hook functionality & drop GitLogger (#6993)
      * Add support of utf8mb4 for mysql (#6992)
      * Make webhook http connections resuable (#6976)
      * Move xorm logger bridge from log to models so that log module could be a standalone package (#6944)
      * Refactor models.NewRepoContext to extract git related codes to modules/git (#6941)
      * Remove macaron dependent on models (#6940)
      * Add less linter via npx (#6936)
      * Remove macaron dependent on modules/log (#6933)
      * Remove macaron dependent on models/mail.go (#6931)
      * Clean less files (#6921)
      * Fix code overflow (#6914)
      * Style orgs list in user profile (#6911)
      * Improve description of branch protection (fix #6886) (#6906)
      * Move sdk structs to modules/structs (#6905)
      * update sdk to latest (#6903)
      * Escape the commit message on issues update and title in telegram hook (#6901)
      * SearchRepositoryByName improvements and unification (#6897)
      * Change the color of issues/pulls list, merged is purple and closed is red (#6874)
      * Refactor table width to have more info shown in file list (#6867)
      * Monitor all git commands; move blame to git package and replace git as a variable (#6864)
      * Fix config ui error about cache ttl (#6861)
      * Improve localization of git activity stats (#6848)
      * Generate access token in admin cli (#6847)
      * Update github.com/urfave/cli to version 1.2.0 (#6838)
      * Rename LFS_JWT_SECRET cli option to include OAUTH2 as well (#6826)
      * internal/ssh: ignore env command totally (#6825)
      * Allow Recaptcha service url to be configured (#6820)
      * update github.com/mcuadros/go-version to v0.0.0-20190308113854-92cdf37c5b75 (#6815)
      * Use modules/git for git commands (#6775)
      * Add GET requests to webhook (#6771)
      * Move PushUpdate dependency from models to repofiles (#6763)
      * Tweak tab text and icon colors (#6760)
      * Ignore non-standard refs in git push (#6758)
      * Disable web preview for telegram webhook (#6719)
      * Show full name if DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME setting enabled (#6710)
      * Reorder file actions (#6706)
      * README WordPress the code is overflowing #6679 (#6696)
      * Improve issue reference on commit (#6694)
      * Handle redirects for git clone commands (#6688)
      * Fix one performance/correctness regression in #6478 found on Rails repository. (#6686)
      * API OTP Context (#6674)
      * Remove local clones & make hooks run on merge/edit/upload (#6672)
      * Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 (#6663)
      * Bump gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4 from 4.8.0 to 4.10.0 (#6662)
      * Fix dropdown icon padding (#6651)
      * Add more title attributes on shortened names (#6647)
      * Update UI for topics labels on projects (#6639)
      * Trace Logging on Permission Denied & ColorFormat (#6618)
      * Add .gpg url (match github behaviour) (#6610)
      * Support for custom GITEA_CUSTOM env var in docker(#6608)
      * Show "delete branch" button on closed pull requests (#6570) (#6601)
      * Add option to disable refresh token invalidation (#6584)
      * Fix new repo dropdown alignment (#6583)
      * Fix mail notification when close/reopen issue (#6581)
      * Pre-calculate the absolute path of git (#6575)
      * Minor CSS cleanup for the navbar (#6553)
      * Render SHA1 links as code blocks (#6546)
      * Add username flag in create-user command (#6534)
      * Unifies pagination template usage (#6531) (#6533)
      * Fixes pagination width on mobile view (#5711) (#6532)
      * Improve SHA1 link detection (#6526)
      * Fixes #6446 - Sort team members and team's repositories (#6525)
      * Use stricter boundaries for auto-link detection (#6522)
      * Use regular line-height on frontpage entries (#6518)
      * Fixes #6514 - New Pull Request on files and pulls pages the same (#6515)
      * Make distinction between DisplayName and Username in email templates (#6495)
      * Add X-Auto-Response-Suppress header to outgoing messages (#6492)
      * Cleaned permission checks for API -> site admin can now do anything (#6483)
      * Support search operators for commits search (#6479)
      * Improve listing performance by using go-git (#6478)
      * Fix repo sub_menu font color in arc-green (#6477)
      * Show last commit status in pull request lists (#6465)
      * Add signatures to webhooks (#6428)
      * Optimize all images in public/img (#6427)
      * Add golangci (#6418)
      * Make "Ghost" not link to 404 page (#6410)
      * Include more variables on admin/config page (#6378)
      * Markdown: enable some more extensions (#6362)
      * Include repo name in page title tag (#6343)
      * Show locale string on timestamp (#6324)
      * Handle CORS requests (#6289)
      * Improve issue autolinks (#6273)
      * Migration Tweaks (#6260)
      * Add title attributes to all items in the repo list viewer (#6258)
      * Issue indexer queue redis support (#6218)
      * Add bio field for user (#6113)
      * Make the version within makefile overwriteable (#6080)
      * Updates to API 404 responses (#6077)
      * Use Go1.11 module (#5743)
      * UX + Security current user password reset (#5042)
      * Refactor: append, build variable and type switch (#4940)
      * Git statistics in Activity tab (#4724)
      * Drop the bits argument when generating an ed25519 key (#6504)
      * Exclude pull_request from fetch-tags step, fixes #7108 (#7120)
      * Refactor and improve git test (#7086)
      * Fix TestSearchRepo by waiting till indexing is done (#7004)
      * Add mssql migration tests (needs #6823) (#6852)
      * Add tests for Org API (#6731)
      * Context.ServerError and NotFound should log from their caller (#6550)
      * Add french specific rule for translating plural texts (#6846)
    * BUILD
      * Update mssql driver to last working version 20180314172330-6a30f4e59a44 (#7306)
      * Alpine 3.10 (#7256)
      * Use vfsgen instead of go-bindata (#7080)
      * remove and disable package-lock (#6969)
      * add make targets for js and css, add js linter (#6952)
      * Added tags pull step to drone config to show correct version hashes i… (#6836)
      * Make CustomPath, CustomConf and AppWorkPath configurable at build (#6631)
      * chore: update drone format to 1.0 (#6602)
      * Fix race in integration testlogger (#6556)
      * Quieter Integration Tests (#6513)
      * Drop the docker Makefile from the image (#6507)
      * Add make version on gitea version (#6485)
      * Fix #6468 - Uses space match and adds newline for all sed flavors (#6473)
      * Move code.gitea.io/git to code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git (#6364)
      * Update npm dependencies and various tweaks (#7344)
      * Fix updated drone file (#7336)
      * Add 'npm' and 'npm-update' make targets and lockfile (#7246)
    * DOCS
      * Add work path CLI option (#6922)
      * Fix logging documentation (#6904)
      * Some logging documentation (#6498)
      * Fix link to Hacking on Gitea on From-Source doc page (#6471)
      * Fix typos in docs command-line examples (#6466)
      * Added docker example for backup (#5846)
  • v1.9.0-rc2
      * Fix regex for issues in commit messages (#7444) (#7466)
      * cmd/serv: actually exit after fatal errors (#7458) (#7460)
      * Fix an issue with some pages throwing 'not defined' js exceptions #7450 (#7453)
      * Fix Dropzone.js integration (#7445) (#7448)
      * Create class for inline positioned lists (#7439) (#7393)
      * Diff: Fix indentation on unhighlighted code (#7435) (#7443)
      * jQuery 3 (#7442) (#7425)
      * Only show "New Pull Request" button if repo allows pulls (#7426) (#7432)
      * Fix vendor references (#7394) (#7396)
      * Only return head: null if source branch was deleted (#6705) (#7376)
      * Add missing template variable on organisation settings (#7386) (#7385)
      * Fix post parameter on issue list which had unset assignee (#7380) (#7383)
      * Fix migration tests due to issue 7 being resolved (#7375) (#7381)<Paste>
  • v1.10.0-dev
  • v1.9.0-rc1
      * Better logging (#6038) (#6095)
      * Content API for Creating, Updating, Deleting Files (#6314)
      * Enable tls-alpn-01: Use certmanager provided TLSConfig for LetsEncrypt (#7229)
      * Add command to convert mysql database from utf8 to utf8mb4 (#7144)
      * Fixes #2738 - Adds the /git/tags API endpoint (#7138)
      * Compare branches, commits and tags with each other (#6991)
      * Show Pull Request button or status of latest PR in branch list (#6990)
      * Repository avatars (#6986)
      * Show git-notes (#6984)
      * Add commit statuses reports on pull request view (#6845)
      * Number of commits ahead/behind in branch overview (#6695)
      * Add CLI commands to manage LDAP authentication source (#6681)
      * Add support for MS Teams webhooks (#6632)
      * OAuth2 Grant UI (#6625)
      * Add SUBJECT_PREFIX mailer config option (#6605)
      * Include custom configuration file in dump (#6516)
      * Add API for manipulating Git hooks (#6436)
      * Improve migrations to support migrating milestones/labels/issues/comments/pullrequests (#6290)
      * Add option to blame files (#5721)
      * Implement Default Webhooks (#4299)
      * Telegram webhook (#4227)
      * Correctly adjust mirror url (#6593)
      * Handle early git version's lack of get-url (#7065)
      * Fix icon position in issue view (#7354)
      * Cut timeline length with last element on issue view (#7355)
      * Fix mirror repository webhooks (#7366)
      * Fix api route for hooks (#7346)
      * Fix bug conflict between SyncReleasesWithTags and InsertReleases (#7337)
      * Fix pull view ui merge section (#7335)
      * Fix 7303 - remove unnessesary buttons on archived repos (#7326)
      * Fix topic bar to allow prefixes (#7325)
      * Fixes #7152 - Allow create/update/delete message to be empty, use default message (#7324)
      * Fixes #7238 - Annotated tag commit ID incorrect (#7321)
      * Dark theme fixes (#7319)
      * Gitea own dark codemirror theme (#7317)
      * Fixes #7292 - API File Contents bug (#7301)
      * Fix API link header (#7298)
      * Fix extra newlines when copying from diff in Firefox (#7288)
      * Make diff line-marker non-selectable (#7279)
      * Fix Submodule dection in subdir (#7275)
      * Fix error log when loading issues caused by a xorm bug (#7271)
      * Add .fa icon margin like .octicon (#7258)
      * Fix hljs unintenionally highlighting commit links (#7244)
      * Only check and config git on web subcommand but not others (#7236)
      * Fix migration panic when Head.User is not exist (#7226)
      * Only warn on errors in deleting LFS orphaned files during repo deletion (#7213)
      * Fix duplicated file on pull request conflicted files (#7211)
      * Allow colon between fixing word and issue (#7207)
      * Fix overflow issues in repo (#7190)
      * API error cleanup (#7186)
      * Add error for fork already existing (#7185)
      * Fixes diff on merged pull requests (#7171)
      * If milestone id is zero don't get it from database (#7169)
      * Fix pusher name via ssh push (#7167)
      * Fix database lock when use random repository fallback image (#7166)
      * Various fixes for issue mail notifications (#7165)
      * Allow archived repos to be (un)starred and (un)watched (#7163)
      * Fix GCArgs load from ini (#7156)
      * Detect noreply email address as user (#7133)
      * Avoid arbitrary format strings upon calling fail() function (#7112)
      * Validate External Tracker URL Format (#7089)
      * Repository avatar fallback configuration (#7087)
      * Fix #732: Add LFS objects to base repository on merging  (#7082)
      * Install page - Handle invalid administrator username better (#7060)
      * Workaround for posting single comments in split diff view (#7052)
      * Fix possbile mysql invalid connnection error (#7051)
      * Fix charset was not saved after installation finished (#7048)
      * Handle insecure and ports in go get (#7041)
      * Avoid bad database state after failed migration (#7040)
      * Fix wrong init dependency on markup extensions (#7038)
      * Fix default for allowing new organization creation for new users (#7017)
      * Fix content download and /verify LFS handler expecting wrong content-type (#7015)
      * Fix missing repo description when migrating (#7000)
      * Fix LFS Locks over SSH (#6999)
      * Do not attempt to return blob on submodule (#6996)
      * Fix U2F for Chrome >= 74 (#6980)
      * Fix index produces problem when issues/pulls deleted (#6973)
      * Allow collaborators to view repo owned by private org (#6965)
      * Stop running hooks on pr merge (#6963)
      * Run hooks on merge/edit and cope with protected branches (#6961)
      * Webhook Logs show proper HTTP Method, and allow change HTTP method in form (#6953)
      * Stop colorizing log files by default (#6949)
      * Rotate serv.log, http.log and hook logs and stop stacktracing in these (#6935)
      * Fix plain text overflow line wrap (#6915)
      * Fix input size for dependency select (#6913)
      * Change drone token name to let users know to use oauth2 (#6912)
      * Fix syntax highlight in blame view #6895 (#6909)
      * Use AppURL for Oauth user link (#6894)
      * Fixes #6881 - API users search fix (#6882)
      * Fix 404 when send pull request some situation  (#6871)
      * Enforce osusergo build tag for releases (#6862)
      * Fix 500 when reviewer is deleted with integration tests (#6856)
      * Fix v85.go (#6851)
      * Make dropTableColumns drop columns on sqlite and constraints on all (#6849)
      * Fix double-generation of scratch token (#6832) (#6833)
      * When mirroring we should set the remote to mirror (#6824)
      * Fix the v78 migration "Drop is_bare" on MSSQL #6707 (#6823)
      * Change verbose flag in dump command to avoid colliding with global version flag (#6822)
      * Fix #6813: Allow git.GetTree to take both commit and tree names (#6816)
      * Remove `seen` map from `getLastCommitForPaths` (#6807)
      * Show scrollbar only when needed (#6802)
      * Restore IsWindows variable assignment (#6722) (#6790)
      * Service worker js is a missing comma (#6788)
      * Fix team edit API panic (#6780)
      * Set user search base field optional in LDAP (simple auth) edit page (#6779)
      * Ignore already existing public keys after ldap sync (#6766)
      * Fix pulls broken when fork repository deleted (#6754)
      * Fix missing return (#6751)
      * Fix new team 500 (#6749)
      * OAuth2 token can be used in basic auth (#6747)
      * Fix org visibility bug when git cloning (#6743)
      * Fix bug when sort repos on org home page login with non-admin (#6741)
      * Stricter domain name pattern in email regex (#6739)
      * Fix admin template error (#6737)
      * Drop is_bare IDX only when it exists for MySQL and MariaDB (#6736)
      * UI: Detect and restore encoding and BOM in content  (#6727)
      * Load issue attributes when editing an issue with API (#6723)
      * Fix team members API (#6714)
      * Unfortunately MemProvider Init does not actually Init properly (#6692)
      * Fix partial reversion of #6657 caused by #6314 (#6685)
      * Prevent creating empty sessions (#6677)
      * Fixes #6659 - Swagger schemes selection default to page's protocol (#6660)
      * Update highlight.js to 9.15.6 (#6658)
      * Properly escape on the redirect from the web editor (#6657)
      * Fix #6655 - Don't EscapePound .Link as it is already escaped (#6656)
      * Use ctx.metas for SHA hash links (#6645)
      * Fix wrong GPG expire date (#6643)
      * upgrade version of lib/pq to v1.1.0 (#6640)
      * Fix forking an empty repository (#6637)
      * Fix issuer of OTP URI should be URI-encoded. (#6634)
      * Return a UserList from /api/v1/admin/users (#6629)
      * Add json tags for oauth2 form (#6627)
      * Remove extra slash from twitter card (#6619)
      * remove bash requirement in makefile (#6617)
      * Fix Open Graph og:image link (#6612)
      * Fix cross-compile builds (#6609)
      * Change commit summary to full message in API (#6591)
      * Fix bug user search API pagesize didn't obey ExplorePagingNum (#6579)
      * Prevent server 500 on compare branches with no common history (#6555)
      * Properly escape release attachment URL (#6512)
      * Delete local branch when repo branch is deleted (#6497)
      * Fix bug when user login and want to resend register confirmation email (#6482)
      * Fix upload attachments (#6481)
      * Avoid multi-clicks in oauth2 login (#6467)
      * Hacky fix for alignment of the create-organization dialog (#6455)
      * Change order that PostProcess Processors are run (#6445)
      * Clean up ref name rules (#6437)
      * Fix Hook & HookList in Swagger (#6432)
      * Fixed unitTypeCode not being used in accessLevelUnit (#6419)
      * Display correct error for invalid mirror interval (#6414)
      * Don't Unescape redirect_to cookie value (#6399)
      * Fix dump table name error and add some test for dump database (#6394)
      * Fix migrations 82 to ignore unsynced tags between database and git data and missing is_archived on repository table (#6387)
      * Make sure units of a team are returned (#6379)
      * Fix bug manifest.json will not request with cookie so that session will created every request (#6372)
      * Disable benchmarking during tag events on DroneIO (#6365)
      * Comments list performance optimization (#5305)
      * Add API Endpoint for Repo Edit (#7006)
      * Add state param to milestone listing API (#7131)
      * Make captcha and password optional for external accounts (#6606)
      * Detect migrating batch size (#7353)
      * Fix 7255 - wrap long texts on user profile info (#7333)
      * Use commit graph files for listing pages (#7314)
      * Add git command line commitgraph support global default true when git version >= 2.18 (#7313)
      * Add LFS_START_SERVER option to control git-lfs support (#7281)
      * Dark theme markdown fixes (#7260)
      * Update go-git to v4.12.0 (#7249)
      * Show lfs config on admin panel (#7220)
      * Disable same user check for internal SSH (#7215)
      * Add LastLogin to the User API (#7196)
      * Add missing description of label on API (#7159)
      * Use go method to calculate ssh key fingerprint (#7128)
      * Enable Rust highlighting (#7125)
      * Refactor submodule URL parsing (#7100)
      * Change issue mail title. (#7064)
      * Use batch insert on migrating repository to make the process faster (#7050)
      * Improve github downloader on migrations (#7049)
      * When git version >= 2.18, git command could run with git wire protocol version 2 param if enabled (#7047)
      * Fix Erlang and Elixir highlight mappings (#7044)
      * API Org Visibility (#7028)
      * Improve handling of non-square avatars (#7025)
      * Bugfix: Align comment label and actions to the right (#7024)
      * Change UpdateRepoIndex api to include watchers (#7012)
      * Move serv hook functionality & drop GitLogger (#6993)
      * Add support of utf8mb4 for mysql (#6992)
      * Make webhook http connections resuable (#6976)
      * Move xorm logger bridge from log to models so that log module could be a standalone package (#6944)
      * Refactor models.NewRepoContext to extract git related codes to modules/git (#6941)
      * Remove macaron dependent on models (#6940)
      * Add less linter via npx (#6936)
      * Remove macaron dependent on modules/log (#6933)
      * Remove macaron dependent on models/mail.go (#6931)
      * Clean less files (#6921)
      * Fix code overflow (#6914)
      * Style orgs list in user profile (#6911)
      * Improve description of branch protection (fix #6886) (#6906)
      * Move sdk structs to modules/structs (#6905)
      * update sdk to latest (#6903)
      * Escape the commit message on issues update and title in telegram hook (#6901)
      * SearchRepositoryByName improvements and unification (#6897)
      * Change the color of issues/pulls list, merged is purple and closed is red (#6874)
      * Refactor table width to have more info shown in file list (#6867)
      * Monitor all git commands; move blame to git package and replace git as a variable (#6864)
      * Fix config ui error about cache ttl (#6861)
      * Improve localization of git activity stats (#6848)
      * Generate access token in admin cli (#6847)
      * Update github.com/urfave/cli to version 1.2.0 (#6838)
      * Rename LFS_JWT_SECRET cli option to include OAUTH2 as well (#6826)
      * internal/ssh: ignore env command totally (#6825)
      * Allow Recaptcha service url to be configured (#6820)
      * update github.com/mcuadros/go-version to v0.0.0-20190308113854-92cdf37c5b75 (#6815)
      * Use modules/git for git commands (#6775)
      * Add GET requests to webhook (#6771)
      * Move PushUpdate dependency from models to repofiles (#6763)
      * Tweak tab text and icon colors (#6760)
      * Ignore non-standard refs in git push (#6758)
      * Disable web preview for telegram webhook (#6719)
      * Show full name if DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME setting enabled (#6710)
      * Reorder file actions (#6706)
      * README WordPress the code is overflowing #6679 (#6696)
      * Improve issue reference on commit (#6694)
      * Handle redirects for git clone commands (#6688)
      * Fix one performance/correctness regression in #6478 found on Rails repository. (#6686)
      * API OTP Context (#6674)
      * Remove local clones & make hooks run on merge/edit/upload (#6672)
      * Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 (#6663)
      * Bump gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v4 from 4.8.0 to 4.10.0 (#6662)
      * Fix dropdown icon padding (#6651)
      * Add more title attributes on shortened names (#6647)
      * Update UI for topics labels on projects (#6639)
      * Trace Logging on Permission Denied & ColorFormat (#6618)
      * Add .gpg url (match github behaviour) (#6610)
      * Support for custom GITEA_CUSTOM env var in docker(#6608)
      * Show "delete branch" button on closed pull requests (#6570) (#6601)
      * Add option to disable refresh token invalidation (#6584)
      * Fix new repo dropdown alignment (#6583)
      * Fix mail notification when close/reopen issue (#6581)
      * Pre-calculate the absolute path of git (#6575)
      * Minor CSS cleanup for the navbar (#6553)
      * Render SHA1 links as code blocks (#6546)
      * Add username flag in create-user command (#6534)
      * Unifies pagination template usage (#6531) (#6533)
      * Fixes pagination width on mobile view (#5711) (#6532)
      * Improve SHA1 link detection (#6526)
      * Fixes #6446 - Sort team members and team's repositories (#6525)
      * Use stricter boundaries for auto-link detection (#6522)
      * Use regular line-height on frontpage entries (#6518)
      * Fixes #6514 - New Pull Request on files and pulls pages the same (#6515)
      * Make distinction between DisplayName and Username in email templates (#6495)
      * Add X-Auto-Response-Suppress header to outgoing messages (#6492)
      * Cleaned permission checks for API -> site admin can now do anything (#6483)
      * Support search operators for commits search (#6479)
      * Improve listing performance by using go-git (#6478)
      * Fix repo sub_menu font color in arc-green (#6477)
      * Show last commit status in pull request lists (#6465)
      * Add signatures to webhooks (#6428)
      * Optimize all images in public/img (#6427)
      * Add golangci (#6418)
      * Make "Ghost" not link to 404 page (#6410)
      * Include more variables on admin/config page (#6378)
      * Markdown: enable some more extensions (#6362)
      * Include repo name in page title tag (#6343)
      * Show locale string on timestamp (#6324)
      * Handle CORS requests (#6289)
      * Improve issue autolinks (#6273)
      * Migration Tweaks (#6260)
      * Add title attributes to all items in the repo list viewer (#6258)
      * Issue indexer queue redis support (#6218)
      * Add bio field for user (#6113)
      * Make the version within makefile overwriteable (#6080)
      * Updates to API 404 responses (#6077)
      * Use Go1.11 module (#5743)
      * UX + Security current user password reset (#5042)
      * Refactor: append, build variable and type switch (#4940)
      * Git statistics in Activity tab (#4724)
      * Drop the bits argument when generating an ed25519 key (#6504)
      * Shadow the password on cache and session config on admin panel (#7300)
      * Exclude pull_request from fetch-tags step, fixes #7108 (#7120)
      * Refactor and improve git test (#7086)
      * Fix TestSearchRepo by waiting till indexing is done (#7004)
      * Add mssql migration tests (needs #6823) (#6852)
      * Add tests for Org API (#6731)
      * Context.ServerError and NotFound should log from their caller (#6550)
      * Add french specific rule for translating plural texts (#6846)
    * BUILD
      * Update mssql driver to last working version 20180314172330-6a30f4e59a44 (#7306)
      * Alpine 3.10 (#7256)
      * Use vfsgen instead of go-bindata (#7080)
      * remove and disable package-lock (#6969)
      * add make targets for js and css, add js linter (#6952)
      * Added tags pull step to drone config to show correct version hashes i… (#6836)
      * Make CustomPath, CustomConf and AppWorkPath configurable at build (#6631)
      * chore: update drone format to 1.0 (#6602)
      * Fix race in integration testlogger (#6556)
      * Quieter Integration Tests (#6513)
      * Drop the docker Makefile from the image (#6507)
      * Add make version on gitea version (#6485)
      * Fix #6468 - Uses space match and adds newline for all sed flavors (#6473)
      * Move code.gitea.io/git to code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git (#6364)
      * Update npm dependencies and various tweaks (#7344)
      * Fix updated drone file (#7336)
      * Add 'npm' and 'npm-update' make targets and lockfile (#7246)
    * DOCS
      * Add work path CLI option (#6922)
      * Fix logging documentation (#6904)
      * Some logging documentation (#6498)
      * Fix link to Hacking on Gitea on From-Source doc page (#6471)
      * Fix typos in docs command-line examples (#6466)
      * Added docker example for backup (#5846)
  • v1.8.3
    cf7a5b3d · Changelog 1.8.3 (#7230) ·
      * Always set userID on LFS authentication (#7224) (Part of #6993)
      * Fix LFS Locks over SSH (#6999) (#7223)
      * Fix duplicated file on pull request conflicted files (#7211) (#7214)
      * Detect noreply email address as user (#7133) (#7195)
      * Don't get milestone from DB if ID is zero (#7169) (#7174)
      * Allow archived repos to be (un)starred and (un)watched (#7163) (#7168)
      * Fix GCArgs load from ini (#7156) (#7157)
  • v1.8.2
    dc73b274 · 1.8.2 changelog (#7079) ·
      * Fix possbile mysql invalid connnection error (#7051) (#7071)
      * Handle invalid administrator username on install page (#7060) (#7063)
      * Disable arm7 builds (#7037) (#7042)
      * Fix default for allowing new organization creation for new users (#7017) (#7034)
      * SearchRepositoryByName improvements and unification (#6897) (#7002)
      * Fix u2f registrationlist ToRegistrations() method (#6980) (#6982)
      * Allow collaborators to view repo owned by private org (#6965) (#6968)
      * Use AppURL for Oauth user link (#6894) (#6925)
      * Escape the commit message on issues update (#6901) (#6902)
      * Fix regression for API users search (#6882) (#6885)
      * Handle early git version's lack of get-url (#7065) (#7076)
      * Fix wrong init dependency on markup extensions (#7038) (#7074)
  • v1.8.1
    57b226e2 · 1.8.1 changelog (#6877) ·
      * Fix 404 when sending pull requests in some situations (#6871) (#6873)
      * Enforce osusergo build tag for releases (#6862) (#6869)
      * Don't post process commit summary in templates (#6842) (#6868)
      * Fix 500 when reviewer is deleted (#6856) (#6860)
      * Fix v78 migration for MSSQL (#6823) (#6854)
      * Added tags pull step to drone config to show correct version hashes (#6836) (#6839)
      * Fix double-generation of scratch token (#6833) (#6835)
      * When mirroring we should set the remote to mirror (#6824) (#6834)
      * Show scrollbar only when needed (#6802) (#6803)
      * Service worker js is missing a comma (#6788) (#6795)
      * Set user search base field optional in LDAP (simple auth) edit page (#6779) (#6789)
      * Fix team edit API panic (#6780) (#6785)
      * Minor CSS cleanup for the navbar (#6553) (#6781)
      * Stricter domain name pattern in email regex (#6739) (#6768)
      * Detect and restore encoding and BOM in content (#6727) (#6765)
      * Fix org visibility bug when git cloning (#6743) (#6762)
      * OAuth2 token can be used in basic auth (#6747) (#6761)
      * Fix missing return (#6751) (#6756)
      * Fix sorting repos on org home page with non-admin login (#6741) (#6746)
      * Drop is_bare IDX only when it exists for MySQL and MariaDB (#6736) (#6744)
      * Fix team members API (#6714) (#6729)
      * Load issue attributes when editing an issue with API (#6723) (#6725)
      * Fix config ui error about cache ttl (#6861) (#6865)
  • v1.8.0
    799f5e05 · 1.8.0 Changelog (#6678) ·
      * Prevent remote code execution vulnerability with mirror repo URL settings (#6593) (#6594)
      * Resolve 2FA bypass on API (#6676) (#6674)
      * Prevent the creation of empty sessions for non-logged in users (#6690) (#6677)
      * Add "ghost" and "notifications" to list of reserved user names. (#6208)
      * Change sqlite DB path default to data directory (#6198)
      * Adds MustChangePassword to user create/edit API (#6193)
      * Disable redirect for i18n (#5910)
      * Releases API paging (#5831)
      * Allow Macaron to be set to log through to gitea.log (#5667)
      * Don't close issues via commits on non-default branch (#5622)
      * Add regenerate secret feature for oauth2 (#6291)
      * Expose issue stopwatch toggling via API (#5970)
      * Add other session providers (#5963)
      * Pull request conflict files detection (#5951)
      * Integrate OAuth2 Provider (#5378)
      * Implement "conversation lock" for issue comments (#5073)
      * Feature: Archive repos (#5009)
      * Discord Oauth2 support (#4476)
      * Allow to set organization visibility (public, internal, private) (#1763)
      * Added URL mapping for Release attachments like on github.com (#1707)
      * Add support for client basic auth for exchanging access tokens (#6293)
      * Add ability to sort issues by due date (#6206) (#6244)
      * Style tweaks to issue selection (#6196)
      * Increase Username and Orgname MaxSize 35 -> 40 (#6178)
      * Coverage profile with multiple packages (#6167)
      * Split setting.go to multiple files (#6154)
      * Allow labels to contain emoji (#6063)
      * Disable git fsck for mirrored repos by default (#6018)
      * Add default time out for git operations (#6015)
      * Split setting.go as multiple files (#6014)
      * Make dashboard navbar and footer full-width (#6013)
      * Add lang specific font stacks for CJK (#6007)
      * Fix header menu misalignment (#6002)
      * Enhance closed PR and Issue status in the list (#6000)
      * Make navbar full width (#5998)
      * Add option to close issues via commit on a non master branch (#5992)
      * Support n as a line highlight prefix (#5987)
      * Search for org repos (#3031) (#5986)
      * Minor UI tweaks (#5980)
      * Use native golang SSH library but ssh-keygen when enable built-in SSH server to remove dependent on that command lines (#5976)
      * Dashboard tweaks (#5974)
      * Fixes for repo topic editor (#5971)
      * Display the branch name in the commit view (#5950)
      * handle milestone events for issues and PR (#5947)
      * Add label names as filter in issue search api (#5946)
      * Repo header tweaks (#5945)
      * Better support for long repo names (#5932)
      * Fix wrapping long code lines (#5927)
      * Change GPG Validation colors and remove inline CSS (#5404) (#5896)
      * Fix "pulls.blocked_by_approvals" text (#5879)
      * Rename reject to 'request changes' (#5858)
      * Move input fields to add members to a team and repos to a team (#5853)
      * Config option to disable automatic repo watching (#5852)
      * New Issue ?body= query (#5851)
      * Add API to list tags (#5850)
      * Pagination for git tree API (#5838)
      * Add InternalTokenURI to load InternalToken from an external file (#5812)
      * Allow markdown files to read from the LFS (#5787)
      * Add the ability to use multiple labels as filters (#5786)
      * Adjust log settings when a user is not found. (#5771)
      * Log IP of failed ssh connection (#5766)
      * Moved defaults in defaults.go to setting.go (#5764)
      * Make DB connect more robust (#5738)
      * Add Default Pull Request Title (#5735)
      * Refactor repo.isBare to repo.isEmpty #5629 (#5714)
      * Add flag to skip repository dumping (#5695)
      * Prioritize "readme.md" (#5691)
      * Improve "Fork button" for guests by showing a pop up asking them to log in before forking (#5690)
      * Allow for user specific themes (#5668)
      * Display branch name in delete branch confirmation modal. (#5654)
      * New API routes added (#5594)
      * Refactor notification for indexer (#5111)
      * Refactor mail notification (#5110)
      * Show email if the authenticated user owns the profile page being requested for (#4981)
      * Optimize pulls merging (#4921)
      * Sort Repositories widget by most recently updated (#3963) (#4599)
      * Allow markdown table to scroll (#4401)
      * Automatically clear stopwatch on merging a PR (#4327)
      * Add the Owner Name to differentiate when merging (#3807)
      * Add title attributes to all items in the repo list viewer (#6258) (#6650)
      * Fix dropdown icon padding (#6651) (#6654)
      * Fix wrong GPG expire date (#6643) (#6644)
      * Fix forking an empty repository (#6637) (#6653)
      * Remove call to EscapePound .Link as it is already escaped (#6656) (#6666)
      * Properly escape on the redirect from the web editor (#6657) (#6667)
      * Allow resend of confirmation email when logged in (#6482) (#6486)
      * Fix mail notification when close/reopen issue (#6581) (#6588)
      * Change API commit summary to full message (#6591) (#6592)
      * Add option to disable refresh token invalidation (#6584) (#6587)
      * Fix bug user search API pagesize didn't obey ExplorePagingNum (#6579) (#6586)
      * Fix new repo alignment (#6583) (#6585)
      * Prevent server 500 on compare branches with no common history (#6555) (#6558)
      * Properly escape release attachment URL (#6512) (#6523)
      * Hacky fix for alignment of the create-organization dialog (#6455) (#6462)
      * Disable benchmarking during tag events on DroneIO (#6365) (#6366)
      * Make sure units of a team are returned (#6379) (#6381)
      * Don't Unescape redirect_to cookie value (#6399) (#6401)
      * Fix dump table name error and add some test for dump database (#6394) (#6402)
      * Fix migration v82 to ignore unsynced tags between database and git data; Add missing is_archived column on repository table (#6387) (#6403)
      * Display correct error for invalid mirror interval (#6414) (#6429)
      * Clean up ref name rules (#6437) (#6439)
      * Fix Hook & HookList in Swagger (#6432) (#6440)
      * Change order that PostProcess Processors are run (#6445) (#6447)
      * Clean up various use of escape/unescape functions for URL generation (#6334)
      * Return 409 when creating repo if it already exists. (#6330)
      * Add same changes from issues page to milestone->issues page (#6328)
      * Fix ParsePatch function to work with quoted diff --git strings (#6323)
      * Fix reported issue in repo description (#6306)
      * Use url.PathEscape to escape the branchname (#6304)
      * Add robots.txt as reserved username (#6272)
      * Replace linkRegex with xurls library (#6261)
      * Remove visitLinksForShortLinks features (#6257)
      * Add unit types to repo action URL to correctly show 404 when archived (#6247)
      * Check organization visibility before everything else (#6234) (#6235)
      * Prevent double-close of issues (#6233)
      * Override xorm type mapping for U2F counter (#6232)
      * Add isAdmin to user API response (#6231)
      * Update git vendor to fix wrong release commit id and add migrations (#6224)
      * Fix fork button (#6223)
      * Fix renames over redirects (#6216)
      * Fix display dashboard even if require to change password (#6214)
      * Create a repo redirect when transferring ownership (#6210) (#6211)
      * Fix issue update race condition (#6194)
      * Fix bug when migrate repository 500 when repo is existed (#6188)
      * Fix scrollbar always present on page body (#6177)
      * Fix bug when set indexer as db and add tests (#6173)
      * Modify linkRegex to require http|https (#6171)
      * Fix bug user could change private repository to public when force private enabled. (#6156)
      * Fix admin list user/org API (#6143)
      * Make repo creation for API similar to UI (#6142)
      * Make document body a flexbox (#6139)
      * Refactor issue indexer, add some testing and fix a bug (#6131)
      * Load Issue attributes for API call (#6122)
      * Fix bug when update owner team then visit team's repo return 404 (#6119)
      * Fix heatmap and repository menu display in Internet Explorer 9+ (#6117)
      * Show private organization for admin, fix #6111 (#6112)
      * Fix prohibit login check on authorization (#6106)
      * Move to ldap.v3 to fix #5928 (#6105)
      * Remove use MakeAssigneeList in webhooks to fix deadlock (#6102)
      * Allow display of LFS stored Readme.md on directory page (#6073) (#6099)
      * Make sure labels are actually returned (#6053)
      * Fix panic: template: repo/issue/list:210: unexpected "=" in operand (#6041)
      * After deleting a repo on admin panel, UI should remember the last sort type (#6033)
      * Default create repository on organisation on its dashboard (#6026)
      * Swagger: Remove spaces in MergePullRequestOption enum (#6016)
      * Fix metrics auth token detection (#6006)
      * Fix repo header issues (#5995)
      * Fix bug when deleting a linked account will removed all (#5989)
      * Make organization dropdown scrollable when using mouse wheel (#5988)
      * Fix empty ssh key importing in ldap (#5984)
      * Admin config page mailertype setting option update (#5973)
      * Fix redirect loop during forced password change (#5965)
      * Show user who created the repository instead of the organisation in action feed (#5948)
      * Remove all CommitStatus when a repo is deleted (#5940)
      * Fix ssh deploy and user key constraints (#1357) (#5939)
      * Fix log output (#5938)
      * Set PusherName and PusherID to owner on deploy key to fix pushing with deploy keys (#5935)
      * Fix compare button (#5929)
      * Fix bug when read public repo lfs file (#5912)
      * Only allow local login if password is non-empty (#5906)
      * Recover panic in orgmode.Render if bad orgfile (#4982) (#5903)
      * Provide better panic handling (#5902)
      * Respect value of REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW (#5901)
      * Show a 404 not a 500 if a repo does not exist (#5900)
      * Ensure repo is loaded in mailer (Completely fix #5891) (#5895)
      * Ensure issue.Poster is loaded in mailIssueCommentToParticipants (#5891)
      * Correct footer height if screen-width is to small (fixes #5878) (#5889)
      * In gitea serv switch off console logger to fix #5866 (#5887)
      * Don't allow pull requests to be created on an archived repository (#5883)
      * Support reviews on a deleted file path (#5880)
      * Fix compare button on upstream repo leading to 404 (#5877)
      * Fix null pointer on not logged in attempt to Sudo (#5872)
      * Fix new release creation API to allow empty target (#5870)
      * Fix an error while adding a dependency via UI. (#5862)
      * Fix failing migration v67 (#5849)
      * Fix delete correct temp directory (#5839)
      * Make sure .git/info is created before generating .git/info/sparse-che… (#5825)
      * Fix topics saving internal error and disable for archived repos (#5821)
      * Fix TLS errors when using acme/autocert for local connections (#5820)
      * When creating new repository fsck option should be enabled (#5817)
      * Request for public keys only if LDAP attribute is set  (#5816)
      * Fix serving of raw wiki files other than .md (#5814)
      * Fix migration 78 error mssql (#5791)
      * Disallow empty titles (#5785)
      * Fix the v78 migration script (#5776)
      * Ensure valid git author names passed in signatures (#5774)
      * Fix wrong assumption where a user is always said to have unassigned (her)himself (#5769)
      * Upgrade go-sql-driver/mysql to fix invalid connection error (#5748)
      * Fixing PostgreSQL dump creation (#5747)
      * Add proper CORS preflight origin validation (#5740)
      * Disable auto-migrate in docker container (#5730)
      * In basic auth check for tokens before call UserSignIn (#5725)
      * Pooled and buffered gzip implementation (#5722)
      * Ensure that sessions are passed into queries that could use the database to prevent deadlocks (#5718)
      * Keep file permissions during database migration (#5707)
      * Use correct value for "MSpan Structures Obtained" #4742 (#5706)
      * Refactor editor upload, update and delete to use git plumbing and add LFS support (#5702)
      * Update xorm to fix issue #5659 and #5651 (#5680)
      * Fix public will not be reused as public key after deleting as deploy key (#5671)
      * When redirecting, clean the path (#5669)
      * Don't list an issue on its own dependency list UI. (#5658)
      * Fix commit page showing status for current default branch (#5649) (#5650)
      * Only count users own actions for heatmap contributions (#5647)
      * Fix sqlite deadlock when assigning to a PR (#5640)
      * Refactor issue indexer (#5363)
      * Run benchmark at tag to track performances (#6035)
      * Add test environment for MySQL8 (#5234)
    * BUILD
      * Use go 1.12 for tests and deprecate go 1.9 (#6186)
      * Makefile changes for Windows and easier development (#6103)
      * Update bleve dependency to latest master revision (#6100)
      * Switch to more recent build of xgo (#6070)
      * Add autoprefixer to css build (#6029)
      * Update the version of less (#6010)
      * Make log mailer for testing (#5893)
    * DOCS
      * Add more tests and docs for issue indexer, add db indexer type for searching from database (#6144)
      * update default value of `--must-change-password` cli flag (#6032)
      * Update and expand information about building Gitea (#6019)
      * Update U2F Section of app.ini.sample (#5994)
      * Update swagger for release API pagination (#5841)
      * Added docs for the tree api (#5834)
    * MISC
      * Add single commit API support (#5843)
      * Add missing GET teams endpoints (#5382)
      * Migrate database if app.ini found (#5290)
  • v1.8.0-rc3
      * Prevent remote code execution vulnerability with mirror repo URL settings (#6593) (#6594)
      * Allow resend of confirmation email when logged in (#6482) (#6486)
      * Fix mail notification when close/reopen issue (#6581) (#6588)
      * Change API commit summary to full message (#6591) (#6592)
      * Add option to disable refresh token invalidation (#6584) (#6587)
      * Fix bug user search API pagesize didn't obey ExplorePagingNum (#6579) (#6586)
      * Fix new repo alignment (#6583) (#6585)
      * Prevent server 500 on compare branches with no common history (#6555) (#6558)
      * Properly escape release attachment URL (#6512) (#6523)
      * Hacky fix for alignment of the create-organization dialog (#6455) (#6462)
  • v1.7.6
    bafa9ff4 · 1.7.6 changelog (#6596) ·
      * Prevent remote code execution vulnerability with mirror repo URL settings (#6593) (#6595)
      * Allow resend of confirmation email when logged in (#6482) (#6487)
  • v1.8.0-rc2
      * Disable benchmarking during tag events on DroneIO (#6365) (#6366)
      * Make sure units of a team are returned (#6379) (#6381)
      * Don't Unescape redirect_to cookie value (#6399) (#6401)
      * Fix dump table name error and add some test for dump database (#6394) (#6402)
      * Fix migration v82 to ignore unsynced tags between database and git data; Add missing is_archived column on repository table (#6387) (#6403)
      * Display correct error for invalid mirror interval (#6414) (#6429)
      * Clean up ref name rules (#6437) (#6439)
      * Fix Hook & HookList in Swagger (#6432) (#6440)
      * Change order that PostProcess Processors are run (#6445) (#6447)
  • v1.7.5
    84a5b81d · Changelog 1.7.5 (#6444) ·
      * Fix unitTypeCode not being used in accessLevelUnit (#6419) (#6423)
      * Fix bug where manifest.json was being requested without cookies and continuously creating new sessions (#6372) (#6383)·
      * Fix ParsePatch function to work with quoted diff --git strings (#6323) (#6332)
  • v1.8.0-rc1
      * Add "ghost" and "notifications" to list of reserved user names. (#6208)
      * Change sqlite DB path default to data directory (#6198)
      * Adds MustChangePassword to user create/edit API (#6193)
      * Disable redirect for i18n (#5910)
      * Releases API paging (#5831)
      * Allow Macaron to be set to log through to gitea.log (#5667)
      * Don't close issues via commits on non-default branch (#5622)
      * Add regenerate secret feature for oauth2 (#6291)
      * Expose issue stopwatch toggling via API (#5970)
      * Add other session providers (#5963)
      * Pull request conflict files detection (#5951)
      * Integrate OAuth2 Provider (#5378)
      * Implement "conversation lock" for issue comments (#5073)
      * Feature: Archive repos (#5009)
      * Discord Oauth2 support (#4476)
      * Allow to set organization visibility (public, internal, private) (#1763)
      * Added URL mapping for Release attachments like on github.com (#1707)
      * Add support for client basic auth for exchanging access tokens (#6293)
      * Add ability to sort issues by due date (#6206) (#6244)
      * Style tweaks to issue selection (#6196)
      * Increase Username and Orgname MaxSize 35 -> 40 (#6178)
      * Coverage profile with multiple packages (#6167)
      * Split setting.go to multiple files (#6154)
      * Allow labels to contain emoji (#6063)
      * Disable git fsck for mirrored repos by default (#6018)
      * Add default time out for git operations (#6015)
      * Split setting.go as multiple files (#6014)
      * Make dashboard navbar and footer full-width (#6013)
      * Add lang specific font stacks for CJK (#6007)
      * Fix header menu misalignment (#6002)
      * Enhance closed PR and Issue status in the list (#6000)
      * Make navbar full width (#5998)
      * Add option to close issues via commit on a non master branch (#5992)
      * Support n as a line highlight prefix (#5987)
      * Search for org repos (#3031) (#5986)
      * Minor UI tweaks (#5980)
      * Use native golang SSH library but ssh-keygen when enable built-in SSH server to remove dependent on that command lines (#5976)
      * Dashboard tweaks (#5974)
      * Fixes for repo topic editor (#5971)
      * Display the branch name in the commit view (#5950)
      * handle milestone events for issues and PR (#5947)
      * Add label names as filter in issue search api (#5946)
      * Repo header tweaks (#5945)
      * Better support for long repo names (#5932)
      * Fix wrapping long code lines (#5927)
      * Change GPG Validation colors and remove inline CSS (#5404) (#5896)
      * Fix "pulls.blocked_by_approvals" text (#5879)
      * Rename reject to 'request changes' (#5858)
      * Move input fields to add members to a team and repos to a team (#5853)
      * Config option to disable automatic repo watching (#5852)
      * New Issue ?body= query (#5851)
      * Add API to list tags (#5850)
      * Pagination for git tree API (#5838)
      * Add InternalTokenURI to load InternalToken from an external file (#5812)
      * Allow markdown files to read from the LFS (#5787)
      * Add the ability to use multiple labels as filters (#5786)
      * Adjust log settings when a user is not found. (#5771)
      * Log IP of failed ssh connection (#5766)
      * Moved defaults in defaults.go to setting.go (#5764)
      * Make DB connect more robust (#5738)
      * Add Default Pull Request Title (#5735)
      * Refactor repo.isBare to repo.isEmpty #5629 (#5714)
      * Add flag to skip repository dumping (#5695)
      * Prioritize "readme.md" (#5691)
      * Improve "Fork button" for guests by showing a pop up asking them to log in before forking (#5690)
      * Allow for user specific themes (#5668)
      * Display branch name in delete branch confirmation modal. (#5654)
      * New API routes added (#5594)
      * Refactor notification for indexer (#5111)
      * Refactor mail notification (#5110)
      * Show email if the authenticated user owns the profile page being requested for (#4981)
      * Optimize pulls merging (#4921)
      * Sort Repositories widget by most recently updated (#3963) (#4599)
      * Allow markdown table to scroll (#4401)
      * Automatically clear stopwatch on merging a PR (#4327)
      * Add the Owner Name to differentiate when merging (#3807)
      * Clean up various use of escape/unescape functions for URL generation (#6334)
      * Return 409 when creating repo if it already exists. (#6330)
      * Add same changes from issues page to milestone->issues page (#6328)
      * Fix ParsePatch function to work with quoted diff --git strings (#6323)
      * Fix reported issue in repo description (#6306)
      * Use url.PathEscape to escape the branchname (#6304)
      * Add robots.txt as reserved username (#6272)
      * Replace linkRegex with xurls library (#6261)
      * Remove visitLinksForShortLinks features (#6257)
      * Add unit types to repo action URL to correctly show 404 when archived (#6247)
      * Check organization visibility before everything else (#6234) (#6235)
      * Prevent double-close of issues (#6233)
      * Override xorm type mapping for U2F counter (#6232)
      * Add isAdmin to user API response (#6231)
      * Update git vendor to fix wrong release commit id and add migrations (#6224)
      * Fix fork button (#6223)
      * Fix renames over redirects (#6216)
      * Fix display dashboard even if require to change password (#6214)
      * Create a repo redirect when transferring ownership (#6210) (#6211)
      * Fix issue update race condition (#6194)
      * Fix bug when migrate repository 500 when repo is existed (#6188)
      * Fix scrollbar always present on page body (#6177)
      * Fix bug when set indexer as db and add tests (#6173)
      * Modify linkRegex to require http|https (#6171)
      * Fix bug user could change private repository to public when force private enabled. (#6156)
      * Fix admin list user/org API (#6143)
      * Make repo creation for API similar to UI (#6142)
      * Make document body a flexbox (#6139)
      * Refactor issue indexer, add some testing and fix a bug (#6131)
      * Load Issue attributes for API call (#6122)
      * Fix bug when update owner team then visit team's repo return 404 (#6119)
      * Fix heatmap and repository menu display in Internet Explorer 9+ (#6117)
      * Show private organization for admin, fix #6111 (#6112)
      * Fix prohibit login check on authorization (#6106)
      * Move to ldap.v3 to fix #5928 (#6105)
      * Remove use MakeAssigneeList in webhooks to fix deadlock (#6102)
      * Allow display of LFS stored Readme.md on directory page (#6073) (#6099)
      * Make sure labels are actually returned (#6053)
      * Fix panic: template: repo/issue/list:210: unexpected "=" in operand (#6041)
      * After deleting a repo on admin panel, UI should remember the last sort type (#6033)
      * Default create repository on organisation on its dashboard (#6026)
      * Swagger: Remove spaces in MergePullRequestOption enum (#6016)
      * Fix metrics auth token detection (#6006)
      * Fix repo header issues (#5995)
      * Fix bug when deleting a linked account will removed all (#5989)
      * Make organization dropdown scrollable when using mouse wheel (#5988)
      * Fix empty ssh key importing in ldap (#5984)
      * Admin config page mailertype setting option update (#5973)
      * Fix redirect loop during forced password change (#5965)
      * Show user who created the repository instead of the organisation in action feed (#5948)
      * Remove all CommitStatus when a repo is deleted (#5940)
      * Fix ssh deploy and user key constraints (#1357) (#5939)
      * Fix log output (#5938)
      * Set PusherName and PusherID to owner on deploy key to fix pushing with deploy keys (#5935)
      * Fix compare button (#5929)
      * Fix bug when read public repo lfs file (#5912)
      * Only allow local login if password is non-empty (#5906)
      * Recover panic in orgmode.Render if bad orgfile (#4982) (#5903)
      * Provide better panic handling (#5902)
      * Respect value of REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW (#5901)
      * Show a 404 not a 500 if a repo does not exist (#5900)
      * Ensure repo is loaded in mailer (Completely fix #5891) (#5895)
      * Ensure issue.Poster is loaded in mailIssueCommentToParticipants (#5891)
      * Correct footer height if screen-width is to small (fixes #5878) (#5889)
      * In gitea serv switch off console logger to fix #5866 (#5887)
      * Don't allow pull requests to be created on an archived repository (#5883)
      * Support reviews on a deleted file path (#5880)
      * Fix compare button on upstream repo leading to 404 (#5877)
      * Fix null pointer on not logged in attempt to Sudo (#5872)
      * Fix new release creation API to allow empty target (#5870)
      * Fix an error while adding a dependency via UI. (#5862)
      * Fix failing migration v67 (#5849)
      * Fix delete correct temp directory (#5839)
      * Make sure .git/info is created before generating .git/info/sparse-che… (#5825)
      * Fix topics saving internal error and disable for archived repos (#5821)
      * Fix TLS errors when using acme/autocert for local connections (#5820)
      * When creating new repository fsck option should be enabled (#5817)
      * Request for public keys only if LDAP attribute is set  (#5816)
      * Fix serving of raw wiki files other than .md (#5814)
      * Fix migration 78 error mssql (#5791)
      * Disallow empty titles (#5785)
      * Fix the v78 migration script (#5776)
      * Ensure valid git author names passed in signatures (#5774)
      * Fix wrong assumption where a user is always said to have unassigned (her)himself (#5769)
      * Upgrade go-sql-driver/mysql to fix invalid connection error (#5748)
      * Fixing PostgreSQL dump creation (#5747)
      * Add proper CORS preflight origin validation (#5740)
      * Disable auto-migrate in docker container (#5730)
      * In basic auth check for tokens before call UserSignIn (#5725)
      * Pooled and buffered gzip implementation (#5722)
      * Ensure that sessions are passed into queries that could use the database to prevent deadlocks (#5718)
      * Keep file permissions during database migration (#5707)
      * Use correct value for "MSpan Structures Obtained" #4742 (#5706)
      * Refactor editor upload, update and delete to use git plumbing and add LFS support (#5702)
      * Update xorm to fix issue #5659 and #5651 (#5680)
      * Fix public will not be reused as public key after deleting as deploy key (#5671)
      * When redirecting, clean the path (#5669)
      * Don't list an issue on its own dependency list UI. (#5658)
      * Fix commit page showing status for current default branch (#5649) (#5650)
      * Only count users own actions for heatmap contributions (#5647)
      * Fix sqlite deadlock when assigning to a PR (#5640)
      * Refactor issue indexer (#5363)
      * Run benchmark at tag to track performances (#6035)
      * Add test environment for MySQL8 (#5234)
    * BUILD
      * Use go 1.12 for tests and deprecate go 1.9 (#6186)
      * Makefile changes for Windows and easier development (#6103)
      * Update bleve dependency to latest master revision (#6100)
      * Switch to more recent build of xgo (#6070)
      * Add autoprefixer to css build (#6029)
      * Update the version of less (#6010)
      * Make log mailer for testing (#5893)
    * DOCS
      * Add more tests and docs for issue indexer, add db indexer type for searching from database (#6144)
      * update default value of `--must-change-password` cli flag (#6032)
      * Update and expand information about building Gitea (#6019)
      * Update U2F Section of app.ini.sample (#5994)
      * Update swagger for release API pagination (#5841)
      * Added docs for the tree api (#5834)
    * MISC
      * Add single commit API support (#5843)
      * Add missing GET teams endpoints (#5382)
      * Migrate database if app.ini found (#5290)
  • v1.9.0-dev