Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v1.2.0
      * Sanitation fix from Gogs (#1461)
      * Rename /forget_password url to /forgot_password (#1219)
      * Logo: Add task to generate images from SVG and change to new logo (#2194)
      * Status-API (#1332)
      * Show commit status icon in commits table (#1688)
      * Additional OAuth2 providers (#1010)
      * GPG commit validation (#1150)
      * Rework SSH key management UI to add GPG (#1293)
      * Implement GPG api (#710)
      * Login via OpenID-2.0 (#618)
      * Add units to team (#947)
      * Batch updates for issues (#926)
      * Add Gitea Webhook (#1755)
      * API: support '/orgs/:org/repos' (#2047)
      * Display all organization from user settings (#1739)
      * LDAP user synchronization (#1478)
      * Adding #issuecomment to the URL in E-Mail notifications (#1674)
      * Add download count field and unit testing for attachment. (#1512)
      * Add repo mirror sync API endpoint (#1508)
      * Add markup package to prepare for org markup format (#1493)
      * Support for custom html meta  (#1423)
      * Per issue/PR watch/unwatch (#1410)
      * Allow ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP to depend on DISABLE_REGISTRATION (#1369)
      * Repo size in admin panel (#1482)
      * Show user OpenID URIs in their profile (#1314)
      * Add change-password admin command (#1304)
      * Only use issue and wiki on repo. (#1297)
      * Allow push to init a wiki repo (#1279)
      * Make time diff translatable (#2057)
      * Smaller watch, star, and fork buttons (#2052)
      * Display config file path on admin panel (#2030)
      * Only show SSH clone URL if signed in (#2169) (#2170)
      * Only show "No Description" to repo admins (#2167)
      * Always return valid go-get meta, even if unauthorized (#2010)
      * Enable assignee e-mail notification (#2003)
      * Let not-logged-in users view releases (#1999)
      * No highlighting for .txt files (#1922)
      * Make side nav on dashboard stackable (#1778)
      * Setting to disable authorized_keys backup (#1856)
      * Hide the create organization button (in dashboard/organization section) (#1705)
      * LFS: Return 404 for unimplemented endpoints (#1330)
      * Show a link to password reset from user settings requiring a password (#862)
      * Reserve the "explore" user/org name (#1222)
      * Send notifications to partecipants in issue comments (#1217)
      * Improve style of user OpenID setting page (#1324)
      * Use font-awesome OpenID icon more (#1320)
      * Use readonly input form to show the validated OpenID URI (#1308)
      * Add captcha support to OpenID based signup (#1307)
      * Minor improvements on commit graph UI (#1380)
      * Mirror sync interval specified as duration string (#1407)
      * Make issue in commit graph "clickable" (#1392)
      * Use whole button (commit graph) as link (#1390)
      * Autofocus on 2fa passcode fields (#1460)
      * Sort on repo size in admin panel (#1654)
      * Improve dashboard repo search (#1652)
      * Use a better default MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINE_CHARACTERS (#1845)
      * Adds Parent property to the repo API (#1687)
      * Add configuration option for default permission to create Organizations (#1686)
      * Remove sha1 hash display in repository table (#1678)
      * Download files to their original filename (#1676)
      * Exposes in API the Repo entity's Size and IsBare property (#1668)
      * Change two factor code entry box from text to number (#1733)
      * Directly show error if user hit repository limit  (#1767)
      * Generate small and large logos at 4x resolution (#2233)
      * Tags listed in releases tab (#2389) (#2424)
      * Fix adding branch as protected to not allow pushing to it (#2556)
      * Orgs: fix org page title when full name is not defined (#1495)
      * Fix double borders on edit page (#1152) (#1153)
      * Search bar fixes for #1187 and #1205 (#1207)
      * Fix upgrade failed after ever rollback (#1194)
      * Fix FCGI (over TCP) support (#1368)
      * Backport of migration fixes (#2604) (#2677)
      * fix panic on gogs webhook creation (#2675) (#2676)
      * Backport: Fixes 500 error on dashboard when using MSSQL (#2504) (#2662)
      * Fix go get response if only app URL is custom in configuration (#2634) (#2640)
      * Fix deletion of unprotected branches (#2630)
      * Backport of 2611 / Fix doubled issue tab introduced in migration v16 (#2622)
      * v38 migration used an outdated version of RepoUnit model (#2602)
      * fix go get subpackage bug (#2584) (#2589)
      * Backport: Sync releases table with tags on push and for mirrors (#2459) (#2554)
      * Backport: Restricting access to fork functioanlity to users with Code access (#2542)
      * Fix migration from pre-v15 to 1.2.0 (#2460) (#2465)
      * Fix migration from pre-v15 to 1.2.0 (#2460)
      * fix duplicated feed (#2370) (#2413)
      * Fix releases to be counted from database not tags (#2389)
      * Fix missing collabrative repos (#2367) (#2382)
      * Add more test for login links and fix a bug on action retrieve (#2361)
      * Fix SQL condition bug in GetFeeds(..) (#2360)
      * fix bug on create repo link on dashboard (#2359)
      * Fix order of elements in dashboard html (#2344)
      * Fix repo-search template errors for go1.7 (#2336)
      * Add missing forks key for dashboard repository component (#2325)
      * fix template error on explore repos (#2319)
      * Trigger sync webhooks on UI commit (#2302)
      * fix 500 error when view an issue which's milestone deleted (#2297)
      * Only update needed columns when update user (#2296)
      * Fix rendering of external links (#2292)
      * Fix and improve dashboard repo UI (#2285)
      * Make short link pattern greedy (#2259)
      * Temporarily patch go-ini/ini with fork (#2255)
      * Convert xorm literal queries to method calls (#2253)
      * update code.gitea.io/git in vendor to fix delete branch fails (#2250)
      * Replace calls to xorm UseBool with Where (#2237)
      * rhel7 has a git version with four digits ( (#2236)
      * Fix internal requests when gitea listens to unix socket or only external IP (#2234)
      * Check for access in /repositories/:id (#2227)
      * Fixed robots.txt 404 error (#2226)
      * Fix counts on issues dashboard (#2215)
      * Fix unclosed session bug (#2214)
      * Add collaborative repositories to the dashboard (#2205)
      * Fix issue updated_unix bug (#2204)
      * Fix Commits nil pointer dereference (#2203)
      * Fix bare-repo bugs (#2199)
      * Fix PR nil-dereference bug (#2195)
      * Allow only single fork per user/organization (#2193)
      * Fix key usage time update if the key is used in parallel for multiple operations (#2185)
      * Only allow token authentication with 2FA enabled (#2184)
      * Fix profile update for non-local users (#2178)
      * Fix compiling without sqlite and gcc (#2177)
      * Make compare button URL aware if current repo is a fork (#2162) (#2163)
      * Remove unit types commits and settings (#2161)
      * Fix OpenID registration route (#2160)
      * Fix repository settings collobration list display (#2151)
      * Ignore invalid issue numbers in commit messages. Fixes  #2022 (#2150)
      * Fix SHA1 hash linking (#2143)
      * Fix repo API bug (#2133)
      * Use POSIX complaint ! operator in find (#2132)
      * Fix GET /users/:username/repos endpoint (#2125)
      * Fix username rendering bug (#2122)
      * Fix wiki preview links (#2119)
      * vendor: update sqlite to fix "database is locked" errors (#2116)
      * Fix unchecked error bug (#2110)
      * Fix missing-return bug (#2109)
      * Fix API for branches with slashes (#2096)
      * Fix git hooks update to receive required arguments (#2095)
      * upgrade git source code. (#2094)
      * Fix SQL bug in models.PullRequests (#2092)
      * Don't ignore gravatar error (#2083)
      * Fix release display and correct paging (#2080)
      * remove unnecessary blank lines and wrong error log (#2079)
      * Check for valid renamed usernames (#2077)
      * Update git module (#2074)
      * Fix org hooks UI (#2072)
      * Fix #1271: Call location.reload after XHR finishes (#2071)
      * Fix default ghost assignee bug (#2069)
      * Fix bug in issue labels API (#2048)
      * Load label ID in NewLabels (#2045)
      * Fix: `http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls` (#2038)
      * Pagination on releases page (#2035)
      * repo/editor: fix breadcrumb path cuts parent dirs (#3859) (#2032)
      * Fix displaying commits and files of PR created from now deleted fork (#2023)
      * Fix #2001 and fix issue comments hidden (#2016)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git (#2014)
      * Keep sort when switching page (#2013)
      * Important: wrong PR merge commit ID saved (#2007)
      * Don't show non-comments in comments API (#2001)
      * Fix "Dashboard shows deleted comments" (#1995)
      * Make branch deletion URL more like GitHub's, fixes #1397 (#1994)
      * Fix fast-forward PR bug (#1989)
      * Fix GPG email checking to be case insensitive (#1988)
      * fix bug for normal user visit public repo (#1984)
      * fix collborators lack of units on orgnization repositories (#1968)
      * Fix diff of renamed and modified file (#1967)
      * Fix uppercase default branch bug (#1965)
      * Fix bug in Action.loadRepo() (#1959)
      * Fix deleted milestone bug (#1942)
      * Fix engine bug in getIssueByID (#1934)
      * Switch to keybase go-crypto (for some elliptic curve key) + test (#1925)
      * Fix setting.AppPath for integration tests (#1923)
      * Fix search by issue type (#1914)
      * Fix ghost user bug (#1913)
      * Require token before checking membership/ownership (#1905)
      * Bug fixes for org member API (#1904)
      * A missing / to provide a correct endpoint (#1903)
      * Fix 500 in public activity page (#1901)
      * Center-aligned login topbar (#1880)
      * Migration to fix existing owner team units (#1873)
      * Fix paginater length (#1866)
      * Fix bug in removeOrgRepo (#1858)
      * Display draft releases (#1854)
      * Fix 404 for external tracking issues (#1852)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git (#1849)
      * Fix user profile activity feed (#1848)
      * Don't ignore error in getMergeCommit (#1843)
      * Fix locking bug in removeOrgRepo (#1842)
      * Fix status table race condition (#1835)
      * Fix PR template error (#1834)
      * Fix pull request compare link (#1832)
      * Use ghost users in issues/PRs (#1831)
      * Commitless repos should be bare (#1829)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git (#1824)
      * Fix invalid reference in feeds template (#1820)
      * fix bug to deny to add orgnization as a member of an orgnization or team (#1815)
      * xxx_active_code_live setting in printed in hours and minutes instead … (#1814)
      * Fix deadlock in updateRepository (#1813)
      * Give all units to owner team (#1812)
      * Fix 500 for GET /teams/:id endpoints (#1811)
      * fix bug not to trim space of login username (#1796)
      * Fix renaming bug (#1786)
      * Fix activity feed (#1779)
      * Make navbar scroll on overflow (#1777)
      * Delete repo redirects on repo deletion (#1776)
      * Fix unloaded owner bug (#1770)
      * Admin should always be allowed to create repositories even if hit limit (#1765)
      * Update HighlightJS and fix YAML files highlighting (#1764)
      * fix: #1757 fix set MAX_CREATION_LIMIT as zero. (#1762)
      * fix admin lost permission caused by #947 (#1753)
      * More fixes for dashboard search (#1750)
      * fixes wrong after field in webhook payload (#1746)
      * fix avatar update bug (#1729)
      * Fix FOUC on Firefox (#1728)
      * Fix changes introduce by update of go-swagger. (#1727)
      * Fix #1719 (#1722)
      * Correct flash after sending password reset email (#1718)
      * Fix and test for delete user (#1713)
      * Fix rendering of issue checkboxes (#1709)
      * Enforce netgo build tag while cross-compilation (#1690)
      * fix bug when push a branch name with / & fix an integration test bug (#1689)
      * fix potential sqlite lock (#1680)
      * Fix commit sha1 URL rendering in markdown (#1677)
      * Fix static files permission under public/ (#1675)
      * fix: tag contain character ) will http 500 on release page (#1670)
      * Fix CSS for code in wiki markdown (#1660)
      * fix multiple readme file rendering and fix #1657 (#1658)
      * Add primary key and index to external login user table (#1656)
      * fix #1643 and improve integration test (#1645)
      * Fix version in Makefile (#1636)
      * Handle display of GPG key without end date (#1628)
      * fix bug on issue view when not login (#1624)
      * bug fixed for API to get user's repos (#1622)
      * fix lost text color on button on set as primary email (#1621)
      * Add create_at and updated_at in PR json (#1616)
      * update git and fix #1133 (#1614)
      * fix bug on status API (#1533)
      * Do not show empty collaborators segment (#1531)
      * Fix markdown rendering (#1530)
      * fix go get sub package and add domain on installation to let go get work defaultly (#1518)
      * fix #1501 ssh hangs caused by #1461 (#1513)
      * Fix empty file download (#1506)
      * Fix broken v27 migration - change mirror interval from int to bigint (#1504)
      * Do not allow commiting to protected branch from online editor (#1502)
      * Add internal routes for ssh hook comands (#1471)
      * Fix races within code.gitea.io/git.(*Command).RunInDirTimeoutPipeline (#1465)
      * Simple quick fix for #1418 (#1456)
      * fix gpg API panic when no verification (#1451)
      * fix migrate failed and org dashboard failed on MSSQL database (#1448)
      * Optimize and fix autolink function (#1442) (#1444)
      * Fix and simplify repo branches (settings) UI (#1435)
      * Fix disabled fields in repo settings UI (#1431)
      * fixes pull request hanging when it contains normal and LFS files (#1425)
      * Fix races in the log module by using syncmap (#1421)
      * Add length check for the return string (#1420)
      * Fix "Error: No issue number specified"  when pushing (#1393)
      * Corrected Mirror.NextUpdate not set (#1388)
      * fix: remove `str2html` from org full name (#1360)
      * Correct broken unaligned load/store in armv5 (#1355)
      * Remove href on first/last link when on first/last page (#1345)
      * Fix broken table layout (#1344)
      * LFS: Fix SSH authentication for trailing arguments (#1328)
      * Remove empty file (#1326)
      * Fix delete user failed on sqlite (#1321)
      * Fix inconsistency in layout (#1316)
      * Fix gpg wrong column types (#1303)
      * Fix wiki bugs (#1294)
      * Fix missing less sources for oauth (#1288)
      * Make sure both scripts/ can live side by side (#1264)
      * Fix nil-dereference bug (#1258)
      * rewrite pre-commit, post-commit and options hooks (fixes #1250) (#1257)
      * Commit search appearence fixes (#1254)
      * Fix forget migration for wiki hooks (#1227)
      * Fix repo settings external tracker failed and check external urls (#1215)
      * Fix 500 caused by branches settings introduced by #1198 (#1214)
      * fix #1189, commit messages containing a pipe (#1203)
      * Bug fixed for delete repo failed (#1193)
      * Fix migration failed when authorized_keys is not exist (#1180)
      * Fix ini format incomiptable with crowdin (#1177)
      * Integration tests for issues API (#2059)
      * Add integration tests for signin (#2363)
      * Add INTERNAL_TOKEN to integration .ini file (#2346)
      * Add public links check (#2323)
      * Fix hooks for integration repo (#2216)
      * More integration tests for comment API (#2156)
      * Cache session cookies in tests (#2128)
      * Less verbose integration tests (#2123)
      * Fix improper setup for integration tests (#2050)
      * Improve integration test helper functions (#2049)
      * Add integration test for issue creating (#2002)
      * Use testing/benchmark interface (#1993)
      * Add integration test for repository migration (#1983)
      * Consolidate boilerplate in integration tests (#1979)
      * Set console to debug for integration tests (#1976)
      * Add pull-create integration test (#1972)
      * Coverage reports for integration tests (#1960)
      * Add integration test for pull-request merge (#1912)
      * Add integration test for file editing (#1907)
      * Add integration test for repository forking (#1896)
      * Run unused test (#1875)
      * Don't recreate database in integration tests (#1697)
      * remove sqlite tag when integration test with mysql/postgres and recreate database when init integration test (#1693)
      * MySQL, Postgres integration tests in drone (#1638)
      * improve integration test to resue models/fixtures and store git repos with tests (#1627)
      * Improve govendor testing (#1623)
      * Integration test framework (#1290)
      * Unit tests for issue_list (#1209)
      * Add integration test for signup (#1135)
      * update translation from crowdin (#2368) (#2380)
      * Small fixes (#2144)
      * Missing signed commit display translations (#2134)
      * Sync latest translations from crowdin (#2104)
      * Add make command update-translations for update translations from crodwin (#2097)
      * Fix some mistakes (#1833)
      * Improve clarity between is_activated and prohibit_login (#1788)
      * Improve grammar (#1775)
      * Fix bad grammar and wordiness (#1741)
      * Make strings translatable (#1188) (#1198)
    * BUILD
      * Dockerfile for aarch64 (#1128) (#1130)
      * backport from v1.2 branch: add secrets for github release (#2588) (#2598)
      * Add secrets for github release to fix drone failed (#2588)
      * Backport changes for latest drone (#2586)
      * Removing .drone.yml.sig (#2579)
      * Fix drone for tags (#2573) (#2576)
      * Backport: Remove go version check for make fmt (#2558) (#2561)
      * Backport: Fix lint, fmt and integration testing errors (#2553)
      * update latest xorm version to vendor (#2353)
      * Remove integration test executables on `make clean` (#2340)
      * refactor(Makefile): allow overriding default go program (#2310)
      * Revert to upstream ini dependency (#2304)
      * Use /dev/urandom to create random password (#2298)
      * update drone sig file. (#2262)
      * go get github.com/wadey/gocovmerge when needed (#2235)
      * fix typo (#2145)
      * Revert "Reduce number of layer" (#2086)
      * Reduce number of layer (#2078)
      * Skip sqlite integration in CI (#2058)
      * fix golint error and rename func for suggestion. (#1997)
      * fix misspell (#1996)
      * update drone sig file (#1981)
      * send notification if status changed (#1973)
      * switch gitter to discord for drone. (#1971)
      * Fix missing backslash in Dockerfile.rpi (#1952)
      * Don't run 'make release' on PRs (#1908)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git (#1892)
      * Use production version of vuejs (#1869)
      * Add a variable for docker tag (#1825)
      * resign drone and fix #1816 (#1819)
      * Separate generate swagger + fix sed os specific (#1791)
      * Only run coverage on merges/pushes to master (#1783)
      * Remove stale rule from Makefile (#1782)
      * feat: upgrade drone docker image to support multi-stage build. (#1732)
      * Realy don't cache apk index (#1694)
      * Limit clone depth when drone-building (#1644)
      * Refactor Dockerfile (#1632)
      * Check if missing/modified/unused deps in vendor and fix errors (#1468)
      * Add GOFLAGS and EXTRA_GOFLAGS (#1438)
      * Include formatting check to the `make test` (and thus also `check`) rule (#1366)
    * DOCS
      * fix wrong changelog title (#2395)
      * fix webhook link (#2289)
      * Improve swagger doc (#2274)
      * Add link to forum in issue template (#2070)
      * add missing lfs config on example file (#2039)
      * Add discourse link (#2027)
      * Fix wording (#2024)
      * Fix typo (#1974)
      * Swagger docs for list/create forks (#1941)
      * Update links to Discord server (#1940)
      * [ci skip] update discord badge. (#1930)
      * Change join chat from gitter to discord (#1929)
      * Update changelog with v1.1.1 (#1926)
      * Correct grammar in APIEmpty documentation (#1748)
      * Add swagger comment for MirrorSync (#1747)
      * Add "Table of Contents" in CONTRIBUTING.md (#1634)
      * Fix service description in Debian init file (#1538)
      * Use MAINTAINERS file in repository in CONTRIBUTING (#1489)
      * Generate swagger json (#1402)
      * Changed text when password reset disabled. (#1364)
      * Removed email copyright year (#1348)
      * Specify that time interval units are seconds (#1311)
      * Gitea OpenID-2.0 login has been tested with livejournal.com too (#1306)
      * Make wording of commit search more clear (#1291)
      * Add notice that LFS mirroring is not supported (#1251)
      * Fix typos in models/ and modules/ (#1248)
      * Refactor and fix incorrect comment (#1247)
      * Fix migration comment (#1241)
      * Update locale_en-US.ini (#1235)
      * Add LibreJS support (#1201)
      * rename OSX to macOS (#1176)
      * add mssql to app.ini db config comment (#1172)
      * Add MSSQL to issues template (#1171)
    * MISC
      * Add badge and link to the Matrix room (#2348)
      * ignore coverage steps. (#2257)
      * Use sqlite3 database as default for Docker image (#2182)
      * update drone discord plugin to 0.0.4 version (#1992)
      * fix typo (#1990)
      * Move 3rd party js/css into `public/vendor` and document sources (#2383)
      * Prevent conflicting TOTP accounts by adding AppURL to issuer parameter (#2335)
      * Fix variable name typo (#2327)
      * Make use of Vue more universal (#2318)
      * Remove (almost) server side data rendering from repo-search component (#2317)
      * Add OpenID configuration in install page (#2276)
      * More tweaks to repo top panel (#2267)
      * File path tweaks in UI (#2264)
      * Make SHOW_USER_EMAIL also apply to profiles (#2258)
      * EnableUnit() -> UnitEnabled() (#2242)
      * Prevent selection of diff line numbers (#2240)
      * Remove unused variable on makefile (#2225)
      * No error log entries for repo 404 (#2200)
      * Refactor vue delimeters to use es6 template delimeters (#2171)
      * Replace tmp with TMPDIR. (#2152)
      * Remove unused files (#2124)
      * Improve org error handling (#2117)
      * Absolute path for setting.CustomConf (#2085)
      * remove deprecated code for Gogs compitable (#2041)
      * Refactor session close as xorm already does everything needed internally  (#2020)
      * SQLite has a query timeout. Hopefully fixes most 'database locked' errors (#1961)
      * Use monospace font in githook editor (#1958)
      * Fix import order (#1951)
      * Gracefully handle bare repositories on API operations. (#1932)
      * Fix errors caused by force push (#1927)
      * Display URLs in integration test logs (#1924)
      * Set TMPDIR enviroment variable for dump command (#1915)
      * Cache ctx.User in retrieveFeeds (#1902)
      * Make `LocalCopyPath` a setting instead of a hard-coded path (#1881)
      * Add check misspelling (#1877)
      * Fix misspelled variables (#1874)
      * Gofmt (#1868, #1710, #1662)
      * Rename misnamed migration (#1867)
      * Support CRLF when splitting code lines for display (#1862)
      * Add convert less css file step. (#1861)
      * Prevent accidential selection of line numbers in code view (#1860)
      * Delete Public SSH Key tmp file after calculating fingerprint (#1855)
      * Remove annoying difference in button heights. (#1853)
      * Only run test coverage on master branch. (#1838)
      * Error from mktemp command in MacOS. (#1837)
      * Use writeTmpKeyFile in calcFingerprint (#1828)
      * ROOT_URL setting use the default as shown in conf/app.ini (#1823)
      * Rename RepoCreationNum -> MaxCreationLimit (#1766)
      * Add button to admin ui (#1738)
      * Correct spelling mistakes (#1703)
      * Make openid support default false for compitable with v1.1 (#1650)
      * Send mails as HTML as default. Setting for send as plain text. (#1648)
      * fix potential lock when sqlite (#1647)
      * Optimize png images via Google zopflipng [ci skip] (#1639)
      * Upgrade alpine to v3.5 in Dockerfile (#1633)
      * remove unused vendor packages (#1620)
      * markup: microoptimise for many short filenames in directory (#1534)
      * support health check via / and fix #969 (#1520)
      * Remove env user salt since no need to use (#1515)
      * Drop db operations from hook commands (#1514)
      * Better URL validation (#1507)
      * Migrate WatchInfo struct to api (#1492)
      * refactor: show command help message. (#1486)
      * refactor update ssh key use time (#1466)
      * Set VERSION from git once, in a variable (#1447)
      * Remove unused mutex field (#1440)
      * Simplify settings pages with item list (#1389)
      * Clean-up PostgreSQL Tests (#1361)
      * refactor: remove workaround after the golang 1.7 release. (#1349)
      * Delete the useless code (#1335)
      * Run "make fmt" with go-1.6 (#1333)
      * Refactor admin/auth/new.tmpl (#1277)
      * Refactor repo/issue/view_content.tmpl (#1276)
      * Cleaner ui for admin, repo settings, and user settings page (#1269) (#1270)
      * Cleaner UI for explore page (#1253) (#1255)
      * Synced licenses with github repo (#1246)
      * Synced gitignores with github repo (#1245)
      * Simplify RepositoryList.loadAttributes() (#1211)
      * Move user_follow to separate file (#1210)
      * Reduce conditionals in signin/signup inner forms (#1138)
  • v1.2.0-rc3
  • v1.2.0-rc2
      * Fix migration from pre-v15 to 1.2.0 (#2460)
      * Fix autolink javascript bug
      * Fix releases to be counted from database not tags (#2389)
      * fix duplicated feed (#2370)
      * Set version to 1.2.0-dev
  • v1.1.4
    34182c87 · release notes for v1.1.4 ·
      * Fix rendering of external links (#2292) (#2315)
      * Fix deleted milestone bug (#1942) (#2300)
      * fix 500 error when view an issue which's milestone deleted (#2297) (#2299)
      * Fix SHA1 hash linking (#2143) (#2293)
      * back port from #1709 (#2291)
  • v1.2.0-rc1
      * Rename /forget_password url to /forgot_password (#1219)
      * SSH keys management URL changed from `/user/settings/ssh` to `/user/settings/keys` (#1293)
      * API: support '/orgs/:org/repos' (#2047)
      * Add Gitea Webhook (#1755)
      * Display all organization from user settings (#1739)
      * Show commit status icon in commits table (#1688)
      * Adding #issuecomment to the URL in E-Mail notifications (#1674)
      * feat: add download count field and unit testing for attachment. (#1512)
      * Add repo mirror sync API endpoint (#1508)
      * Add markup package to prepare for org markup format (#1493)
      * Repo size in admin panel (#1482)
      * LDAP user synchronization (#1478)
      * Support for custom html meta  (#1423)
      * [Notifications Step 6] Per issue/PR watch/unwatch (#1410)
      * Allow ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP to depend on DISABLE_REGISTRATION (#1369)
      * Fix FCGI (over TCP) support (#1368)
      * Status-API (#1332)
      * Show user OpenID URIs in their profile (#1314)
      * Add change-password admin command (#1304)
      * feat: Only use issue and wiki on repo. (#1297)
      * Rework SSH key management UI to add GPG (#1293)
      * Allow push to init a wiki repo (#1279)
      * GPG commit validation (#1150)
      * Dockerfile for aarch64 (#1128) (#1130)
      * Additional OAuth2 providers (#1010)
      * Add units to team (#947)
      * Batch updates for issues (#926)
      * Implement GPG api (#710)
      * Login via OpenID-2.0 (#618)
      * Fix missing collabrative repos (#2367) (#2382)
      * Add more test for login links and fix a bug on action retrieve (#2361)
      * Fix SQL condition bug in GetFeeds(..) (#2360)
      * fix bug on create repo link on dashboard (#2359)
      * Fix order of elements in dashboard html (#2344)
      * Fix repo-search template errors for go1.7 (#2336)
      * Add missing forks key for dashboard repository component (#2325)
      * fix template error on explore repos (#2319)
      * Trigger sync webhooks on UI commit (#2302)
      * fix 500 error when view an issue which's milestone deleted (#2297)
      * Only update needed columns when update user (#2296)
      * Fix rendering of external links (#2292)
      * Fix and improve dashboard repo UI (#2285)
      * Make short link pattern greedy (#2259)
      * Temporarily patch go-ini/ini with fork (#2255)
      * Convert xorm literal queries to method calls (#2253)
      * update code.gitea.io/git in vendor to fix delete branch fails (#2250)
      * Replace calls to xorm UseBool with Where (#2237)
      * rhel7 has a git version with four digits ( (#2236)
      * Fix internal requests when gitea listens to unix socket or only external IP (#2234)
      * Check for access in /repositories/:id (#2227)
      * Fixed robots.txt 404 error (#2226)
      * Fix counts on issues dashboard (#2215)
      * Fix unclosed session bug (#2214)
      * Add collaborative repositories to the dashboard (#2205)
      * Fix issue updated_unix bug (#2204)
      * Fix Commits nil pointer dereference (#2203)
      * Fix bare-repo bugs (#2199)
      * Fix PR nil-dereference bug (#2195)
      * Allow only single fork per user/organization (#2193)
      * Fix key usage time update if the key is used in parallel for multiple operations (#2185)
      * Only allow token authentication with 2FA enabled (#2184)
      * Fix profile update for non-local users (#2178)
      * Fix compiling without sqlite and gcc (#2177)
      * Make compare button URL aware if current repo is a fork (#2162) (#2163)
      * Remove unit types commits and settings (#2161)
      * Fix OpenID registration route (#2160)
      * Fix repository settings collobration list display (#2151)
      * Ignore invalid issue numbers in commit messages. Fixes  #2022 (#2150)
      * Fix SHA1 hash linking (#2143)
      * Fix repo API bug (#2133)
      * Use POSIX complaint ! operator in find (#2132)
      * Fix GET /users/:username/repos endpoint (#2125)
      * Fix username rendering bug (#2122)
      * Fix wiki preview links (#2119)
      * vendor: update sqlite to fix "database is locked" errors (#2116)
      * Fix unchecked error bug (#2110)
      * Fix missing-return bug (#2109)
      * Fix API for branches with slashes (#2096)
      * Fix git hooks update to receive required arguments (#2095)
      * upgrade git source code. (#2094)
      * Fix SQL bug in models.PullRequests (#2092)
      * Don't ignore gravatar error (#2083)
      * Fix release display and correct paging (#2080)
      * remove unnecessary blank lines and wrong error log (#2079)
      * Check for valid renamed usernames (#2077)
      * Update git module (#2074)
      * Fix org hooks UI (#2072)
      * Fix #1271: Call location.reload after XHR finishes (#2071)
      * Fix default ghost assignee bug (#2069)
      * Fix bug in issue labels API (#2048)
      * Load label ID in NewLabels (#2045)
      * Fix: `http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls` (#2038)
      * Pagination on releases page (#2035)
      * repo/editor: fix breadcrumb path cuts parent dirs (#3859) (#2032)
      * Fix displaying commits and files of PR created from now deleted fork (#2023)
      * Fix #2001 and fix issue comments hidden (#2016)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git (#2014)
      * Keep sort when switching page (#2013)
      * Important: wrong PR merge commit ID saved (#2007)
      * Don't show non-comments in comments API (#2001)
      * Fix "Dashboard shows deleted comments" (#1995)
      * Make branch deletion URL more like GitHub's, fixes #1397 (#1994)
      * Fix fast-forward PR bug (#1989)
      * Fix GPG email checking to be case insensitive (#1988)
      * fix bug for normal user visit public repo (#1984)
      * fix collborators lack of units on orgnization repositories (#1968)
      * Fix diff of renamed and modified file (#1967)
      * Fix uppercase default branch bug (#1965)
      * Fix bug in Action.loadRepo() (#1959)
      * Fix deleted milestone bug (#1942)
      * Fix engine bug in getIssueByID (#1934)
      * Switch to keybase go-crypto (for some elliptic curve key) + test (#1925)
      * Fix setting.AppPath for integration tests (#1923)
      * Fix search by issue type (#1914)
      * Fix ghost user bug (#1913)
      * Require token before checking membership/ownership (#1905)
      * Bug fixes for org member API (#1904)
      * A missing / to provide a correct endpoint (#1903)
      * Fix 500 in public activity page (#1901)
      * Center-aligned login topbar (#1880)
      * Migration to fix existing owner team units (#1873)
      * Fix paginater length (#1866)
      * Fix bug in removeOrgRepo (#1858)
      * Display draft releases (#1854)
      * Fix 404 for external tracking issues (#1852)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git (#1849)
      * Fix user profile activity feed (#1848)
      * Don't ignore error in getMergeCommit (#1843)
      * Fix locking bug in removeOrgRepo (#1842)
      * Fix status table race condition (#1835)
      * Fix PR template error (#1834)
      * Fix pull request compare link (#1832)
      * Use ghost users in issues/PRs (#1831)
      * Commitless repos should be bare (#1829)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git (#1824)
      * Fix invalid reference in feeds template (#1820)
      * fix bug to deny to add orgnization as a member of an orgnization or team (#1815)
      * xxx_active_code_live setting in printed in hours and minutes instead … (#1814)
      * Fix deadlock in updateRepository (#1813)
      * Give all units to owner team (#1812)
      * Fix 500 for GET /teams/:id endpoints (#1811)
      * fix bug not to trim space of login username (#1796)
      * Fix renaming bug (#1786)
      * Fix activity feed (#1779)
      * Make navbar scroll on overflow (#1777)
      * Delete repo redirects on repo deletion (#1776)
      * Fix unloaded owner bug (#1770)
      * Admin should always be allowed to create repositories even if hit limit (#1765)
      * Update HighlightJS and fix YAML files highlighting (#1764)
      * fix: #1757 fix set MAX_CREATION_LIMIT as zero. (#1762)
      * fix admin lost permission caused by #947 (#1753)
      * More fixes for dashboard search (#1750)
      * fixes wrong after field in webhook payload (#1746)
      * fix avatar update bug (#1729)
      * Fix FOUC on Firefox (#1728)
      * Fix changes introduce by update of go-swagger. (#1727)
      * Fix #1719 (#1722)
      * Correct flash after sending password reset email (#1718)
      * Fix and test for delete user (#1713)
      * Fix rendering of issue checkboxes (#1709)
      * Enforce netgo build tag while cross-compilation (#1690)
      * fix bug when push a branch name with / & fix an integration test bug (#1689)
      * fix potential sqlite lock (#1680)
      * Fix commit sha1 URL rendering in markdown (#1677)
      * Fix static files permission under public/ (#1675)
      * fix: tag contain character ) will http 500 on release page (#1670)
      * Fix CSS for code in wiki markdown (#1660)
      * fix multiple readme file rendering and fix #1657 (#1658)
      * Add primary key and index to external login user table (#1656)
      * fix #1643 and improve integration test (#1645)
      * Fix version in Makefile (#1636)
      * Handle display of GPG key without end date (#1628)
      * fix bug on issue view when not login (#1624)
      * bug fixed for API to get user's repos (#1622)
      * fix lost text color on button on set as primary email (#1621)
      * Add create_at and updated_at in PR json (#1616)
      * update git and fix #1133 (#1614)
      * fix bug on status API (#1533)
      * Do not show empty collaborators segment (#1531)
      * Fix markdown rendering (#1530)
      * fix go get sub package and add domain on installation to let go get work defaultly (#1518)
      * fix #1501 ssh hangs caused by #1461 (#1513)
      * Fix empty file download (#1506)
      * Fix broken v27 migration - change mirror interval from int to bigint (#1504)
      * Do not allow commiting to protected branch from online editor (#1502)
      * Add internal routes for ssh hook comands (#1471)
      * Fix races within code.gitea.io/git.(*Command).RunInDirTimeoutPipeline (#1465)
      * Simple quick fix for #1418 (#1456)
      * fix gpg API panic when no verification (#1451)
      * fix migrate failed and org dashboard failed on MSSQL database (#1448)
      * Optimize and fix autolink function (#1442) (#1444)
      * Fix and simplify repo branches (settings) UI (#1435)
      * Fix disabled fields in repo settings UI (#1431)
      * fixes pull request hanging when it contains normal and LFS files (#1425)
      * Fix races in the log module by using syncmap (#1421)
      * Add length check for the return string (#1420)
      * Fix "Error: No issue number specified"  when pushing (#1393)
      * Corrected Mirror.NextUpdate not set (#1388)
      * fix: remove `str2html` from org full name (#1360)
      * Correct broken unaligned load/store in armv5 (#1355)
      * Remove href on first/last link when on first/last page (#1345)
      * Fix broken table layout (#1344)
      * LFS: Fix SSH authentication for trailing arguments (#1328)
      * Remove empty file (#1326)
      * Fix delete user failed on sqlite (#1321)
      * Fix inconsistency in layout (#1316)
      * Fix gpg wrong column types (#1303)
      * Fix wiki bugs (#1294)
      * Fix missing less sources for oauth (#1288)
      * Make sure both scripts/ can live side by side (#1264)
      * Fix nil-dereference bug (#1258)
      * rewrite pre-commit, post-commit and options hooks (fixes #1250) (#1257)
      * Commit search appearence fixes (#1254)
      * Fix forget migration for wiki hooks (#1227)
      * Fix repo settings external tracker failed and check external urls (#1215)
      * Fix 500 caused by branches settings introduced by #1198 (#1214)
      * fix #1189, commit messages containing a pipe (#1203)
      * Bug fixed for delete repo failed (#1193)
      * Fix migration failed when authorized_keys is not exist (#1180)
      * Fix ini format incomiptable with crowdin (#1177)
      * Move 3rd party js/css into `public/vendor` and document sources (#2383)
      * Prevent conflicting TOTP accounts by adding AppURL to issuer parameter (#2335)
      * Fix variable name typo (#2327)
      * Make use of Vue more universal (#2318)
      * Remove (almost) server side data rendering from repo-search component (#2317)
      * Add OpenID configuration in install page (#2276)
      * More tweaks to repo top panel (#2267)
      * File path tweaks in UI (#2264)
      * Make SHOW_USER_EMAIL also apply to profiles (#2258)
      * EnableUnit() -> UnitEnabled() (#2242)
      * Prevent selection of diff line numbers (#2240)
      * Generate small and large logos at 4x resolution (#2233)
      * remove unused variable on makefile (#2225)
      * No error log entries for repo 404 (#2200)
      * Add task to generate images from SVG and change to new logo (#2194)
      * Refactor vue delimeters to use es6 template delimeters (#2171)
      * Only show SSH clone URL if signed in (#2169) (#2170)
      * Only show "No Description" to repo admins (#2167)
      * fix: replace tmp with TMPDIR. (#2152)
      * Remove unused files (#2124)
      * Improve org error handling (#2117)
      * Absolute path for setting.CustomConf (#2085)
      * Integration tests for issues API (#2059)
      * Make time diff translatable (#2057)
      * Smaller watch, star, and fork buttons (#2052)
      * remove deprecated code for Gogs compitable (#2041)
      * Display config file path on admin panel (#2030)
      * Refactor session close as xorm already does everything needed internally  (#2020)
      * Always return valid go-get meta, even if unauthorized (#2010)
      * Enable assignee e-mail notification (#2003)
      * Let not-logged-in users view releases (#1999)
      * SQLite has a query timeout. Hopefully fixes most 'database locked' errors (#1961)
      * Use monospace font in githook editor (#1958)
      * Fix import order (#1951)
      * Gracefully handle bare repositories on API operations. (#1932)
      * Fix errors caused by force push (#1927)
      * Display URLs in integration test logs (#1924)
      * No highlighting for .txt files (#1922)
      * Set TMPDIR enviroment variable for dump command (#1915)
      * Cache ctx.User in retrieveFeeds (#1902)
      * Make `LocalCopyPath` a setting instead of a hard-coded path (#1881)
      * feat: add check misspelling (#1877)
      * Fix misspelled variables (#1874)
      * gofmt (#1868)
      * Rename misnamed migration (#1867)
      * Support CRLF when splitting code lines for display (#1862)
      * feat: add convert less css file step. (#1861)
      * Prevent accidential selection of line numbers in code view (#1860)
      * Setting to disable authorized_keys backup (#1856)
      * Delete Public SSH Key tmp file after calculating fingerprint (#1855)
      * Remove annoying difference in button heights. (#1853)
      * Use a better default MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINE_CHARACTERS (#1845)
      * fix: only run test coverage on master branch. (#1838)
      * fix: error from mktemp command in MacOS. (#1837)
      * use writeTmpKeyFile in calcFingerprint (#1828)
      * ROOT_URL setting use the default as shown in conf/app.ini (#1823)
      * Make side nav on dashboard stackable (#1778)
      * Directly show error if user hit repository limit  (#1767)
      * Rename RepoCreationNum -> MaxCreationLimit (#1766)
      * Add button to admin ui (#1738)
      * Change two factor code entry box from text to number (#1733)
      * gofmt (#1710)
      * Hide the create organization button (in dashboard/organization section) (#1705)
      * Correct spelling mistakes (#1703)
      * Adds Parent property to the repo API (#1687)
      * Add configuration option for default permission to create Organizations (#1686)
      * Remove sha1 hash display in repository table (#1678)
      * Download files to their original filename (#1676)
      * Exposes in API the Repo entity's Size and IsBare property
      * gofmt (#1662)
      * Sort on repo size in admin panel (#1654)
      * Improve dashboard repo search (#1652)
      * Update xorm to latest version (#1651)
      * Make openid support default false for compitable with v1.1 (#1650)
      * Send mails as HTML as default. Setting for send as plain text. (#1648)
      * fix potential lock when sqlite (#1647)
      * Optimize png images via Google zopflipng [ci skip] (#1639)
      * Upgrade alpine to v3.5 in Dockerfile (#1633)
      * remove unused vendor packages (#1620)
      * markup: microoptimise for many short filenames in directory (#1534)
      * support health check via / and fix #969 (#1520)
      * Remove env user salt since no need to use (#1515)
      * Drop db operations from hook commands (#1514)
      * Better URL validation (#1507)
      * Orgs: fix org page title when full name is not defined (#1495)
      * Migrate WatchInfo struct to api (#1492)
      * refactor: show command help message. (#1486)
      * refactor update ssh key use time (#1466)
      * Autofocus on 2fa passcode fields (#1460)
      * Set VERSION from git once, in a variable (#1447)
      * Remove unused mutex field (#1440)
      * Mirror sync interval specified as duration string (#1407)
      * Make issue in commit graph "clickable" (#1392)
      * Use whole button (commit graph) as link (#1390)
      * Simplify settings pages with item list (#1389)
      * Minor improvements on commit graph UI (#1380)
      * Clean-up PostgreSQL Tests (#1361)
      * refactor: remove workaround after the golang 1.7 release. (#1349)
      * Delete the useless code (#1335)
      * Run "make fmt" with go-1.6 (#1333)
      * LFS: Return 404 for unimplemented endpoints (#1330)
      * Improve style of user OpenID setting page (#1324)
      * Use font-awesome OpenID icon more (#1320)
      * Use readonly input form to show the validated OpenID URI (#1308)
      * Add captcha support to OpenID based signup (#1307)
      * Refactor admin/auth/new.tmpl (#1277)
      * Refactor repo/issue/view_content.tmpl (#1276)
      * Cleaner ui for admin, repo settings, and user settings page (#1269) (#1270)
      * Cleaner UI for explore page (#1253) (#1255)
      * Synced licenses with github repo (#1246)
      * Synced gitignores with github repo (#1245)
      * Reserve the "explore" user/org name (#1222)
      * Send notifications to partecipants in issue comments (#1217)
      * Simplify RepositoryList.loadAttributes() (#1211)
      * Move user_follow to separate file (#1210)
      * Search bar fixes for #1187 and #1205 (#1207)
      * Fix upgrade failed after ever rollback (#1194)
      * Fix double borders on edit page (#1152) (#1153)
      * Reduce conditionals in signin/signup inner forms (#1138)
      * Show a link to password reset from user settings requiring a password (#862)
      * Sanitation fix from Gogs (#1461)
      * Add integration tests for signin (#2363)
      * Add INTERNAL_TOKEN to integration .ini file (#2346)
      * Add public links check (#2323)
      * Fix hooks for integration repo (#2216)
      * More integration tests for comment API (#2156)
      * Cache session cookies in tests (#2128)
      * Less verbose integration tests (#2123)
      * Fix improper setup for integration tests (#2050)
      * Improve integration test helper functions (#2049)
      * Add integration test for issue creating (#2002)
      * Use testing/benchmark interface (#1993)
      * Add integration test for repository migration (#1983)
      * Consolidate boilerplate in integration tests (#1979)
      * Set console to debug for integration tests (#1976)
      * Add pull-create integration test (#1972)
      * Coverage reports for integration tests (#1960)
      * Add integration test for pull-request merge (#1912)
      * Add integration test for file editing (#1907)
      * Add integration test for repository forking (#1896)
      * Run unused test (#1875)
      * Don't recreate database in integration tests (#1697)
      * remove sqlite tag when integration test with mysql/postgres and recreate database when init integration test (#1693)
      * MySQL, Postgres integration tests in drone (#1638)
      * improve integration test to resue models/fixtures and store git repos with tests (#1627)
      * Improve govendor testing (#1623)
      * Integration test framework (#1290)
      * Unit tests for issue_list (#1209)
      * Add integration test for signup (#1135)
      * update translation from crowdin (#2368) (#2380)
      * Small fixes (#2144)
      * Missing signed commit display translations (#2134)
      * Sync latest translations from crowdin (#2104)
      * Add make command update-translations for update translations from crodwin (#2097)
      * Fix some mistakes (#1833)
      * Improve clarity between is_activated and prohibit_login (#1788)
      * Improve grammar (#1775)
      * Fix bad grammar and wordiness (#1741)
      * Make strings translatable (#1188) (#1198)
    * BUILD
      * update latest xorm version to vendor (#2353)
      * Remove integration test executables on `make clean` (#2340)
      * refactor(Makefile): allow overriding default go program (#2310)
      * Revert to upstream ini dependency (#2304)
      * Use /dev/urandom to create random password (#2298)
      * update drone sig file. (#2262)
      * go get github.com/wadey/gocovmerge when needed (#2235)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git dependency (#2149)
      * fix typo (#2145)
      * Revert "Reduce number of layer" (#2086)
      * Reduce number of layer (#2078)
      * Skip sqlite integration in CI (#2058)
      * fix golint error and rename func for suggestion. (#1997)
      * fix misspell (#1996)
      * update drone sig file (#1981)
      * send notification if status changed (#1973)
      * switch gitter to discord for drone. (#1971)
      * Fix missing backslash in Dockerfile.rpi (#1952)
      * Don't run 'make release' on PRs (#1908)
      * Update code.gitea.io/git (#1892)
      * Use production version of vuejs (#1869)
      * Add a variable for docker tag (#1825)
      * resign drone and fix #1816 (#1819)
      * Separate generate swagger + fix sed os specific (#1791)
      * Only run coverage on merges/pushes to master (#1783)
      * Remove stale rule from Makefile (#1782)
      * feat: upgrade drone docker image to support multi-stage build. (#1732)
      * Realy don't cache apk index (#1694)
      * Limit clone depth when drone-building (#1644)
      * Refactor Dockerfile (#1632)
      * Check if missing/modified/unused deps in vendor and fix errors (#1468)
      * Add GOFLAGS and EXTRA_GOFLAGS (#1438)
      * Include formatting check to the `make test` (and thus also `check`) rule (#1366)
    * DOCS
      * fix webhook link (#2289)
      * Improve swagger doc (#2274)
      * Add changelog of release v1.1.3 (#2252)
      * Add link to forum in issue template (#2070)
      * add missing lfs config on example file (#2039)
      * Add discourse link (#2027)
      * Fix wording (#2024)
      * Fix typo (#1974)
      * [ci skip] add 1.1.2 change log. (#1945)
      * Swagger docs for list/create forks (#1941)
      * Update links to Discord server (#1940)
      * [ci skip] update discord badge. (#1930)
      * Change join chat from gitter to discord (#1929)
      * Update changelog with v1.1.1 (#1926)
      * Correct grammar in APIEmpty documentation (#1748)
      * Add swagger comment for MirrorSync (#1747)
      * Add "Table of Contents" in CONTRIBUTING.md (#1634)
      * Fix service description in Debian init file (#1538)
      * Use MAINTAINERS file in repository in CONTRIBUTING (#1489)
      * Generate swagger json (#1402)
      * Changed text when password reset disabled. (#1364)
      * Removed email copyright year (#1348)
      * Specify that time interval units are seconds (#1311)
      * Gitea OpenID-2.0 login has been tested with livejournal.com too (#1306)
      * Make wording of commit search more clear (#1291)
      * Add notice that LFS mirroring is not supported (#1251)
      * Fix typos in models/ and modules/ (#1248)
      * Refactor and fix incorrect comment (#1247)
      * Fix migration comment (#1241)
      * Update locale_en-US.ini (#1235)
      * Add LibreJS support (#1201)
      * rename OSX to macOS (#1176)
      * add mssql to app.ini db config comment (#1172)
      * Add MSSQL to issues template (#1171)
    * MISC
      * Add badge and link to the Matrix room (#2348)
      * ignore coverage steps. (#2257)
      * Use sqlite3 database as default for Docker image (#2182)
      * update drone discord plugin to 0.0.4 version (#1992)
      * fix typo (#1990)
      * Applying to become maintainer (#1671)
  • v1.1.3
    5bb20be8 · update sig file (#2269) ·
    Release v1.1.3
      * Fix PR template error (#2008)
      * Fix markdown rendering (fix #1530) (#2043)
      * Fix missing less sources for oauth (backport #1288) (#2135)
      * Don't ignore gravatar error (#2138)
      * Fix diff of renamed and modified file (#2136)
      * Fix fast-forward PR bug (#2137)
      * Fix some security bugs
  • v1.1.2
  • v1.1.1
    Release v1.1.1
      * Markdown Sanitation Fix [#1646](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1646)
      * Fix broken hooks [#1376](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1376)
      * Fix migration issue [#1375](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1375)
      * Fix Wiki Issues [#1338](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1338)
      * Forgotten migration for wiki githooks [#1237](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1237)
      * Commit messages can contain pipes [#1218](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1218)
      * Verify external tracker URLs [#1236](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1236)
      * Allow upgrade after downgrade [#1197](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1197)
      * 500 on delete repo with issue [#1195](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1195)
      * INI compat with CrowdIn [#1192](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1192)
  • v1.1.0
    1d652913 · Fixed drone builds ·
      * The SSH keys can potentially break, make sure to regenerate the authorized keys
      * Git LFSv2 support [#122](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/122)
      * API endpoints for repo watching [#191](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/191)
      * Search within private repos [#222](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/222)
      * Hide user email address on explore page [#336](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/336)
      * Protected branch system [#339](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/339)
      * Sendmail for mail delivery [#355](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/355)
      * API endpoints for org webhooks [#372](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/372)
      * Enabled MSSQL support [#383](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/383)
      * API endpoints for org teams [#370](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/370)
      * API endpoints for collaborators [#375](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/375)
      * Graceful server restart [#416](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/416)
      * Commitgraph / timeline on commits page [#428](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/428)
      * API endpoints for repo forks [#509](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/509)
      * API endpoints for releases [#510](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/510)
      * Folder jumping [#511](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/511)
      * Stars tab on profile page [#519](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/519)
      * Notification system [#523](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/523)
      * Push and pull through reverse proxy basic auth [#524](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/524)
      * Search for issues and pull requests [#530](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/530)
      * API endpoint for stargazers [#597](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/597)
      * API endpoints for subscribers [#598](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/598)
      * PID file support [#610](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/610)
      * Two factor authentication (2FA) [#630](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/630)
      * API endpoints for org users [#645](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/645)
      * Release attachments [#673](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/673)
      * OAuth2 consumer [#679](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/679)
      * Add ability to fork your own repos [#761](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/761)
      * Search repository on dashboard [#773](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/773)
      * Search bar on user profile [#787](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/787)
      * Track label changes on issue view [#788](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/788)
      * Allow using custom time format [#798](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/798)
      * Redirects for renamed repos [#807](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/807)
      * Track assignee changes on issue view [#808](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/808)
      * Track title changes on issue view [#841](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/841)
      * Archive cleanup action [#885](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/885)
      * Basic Open Graph support [#901](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/901)
      * Take back control of Git hooks [#1006](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1006)
      * API endpoints for user repos [#1059](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1059)
      * Fixed counting issues for issue filters [#413](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/413)
      * Added back default settings for SSH [#500](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/500)
      * Fixed repo permissions [#513](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/513)
      * Issues cannot be created with labels [#622](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/622)
      * Add a reserved wiki paths check to the wiki [#720](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/720)
      * Update website binding MaxSize to 255 [#722](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/722)
      * User can see the private activity on public history [#818](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/818)
      * Wrong pages number which includes private repositories [#844](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/844)
      * Trim whitespaces for search keyword [#893](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/893)
      * Don't rewrite non-gitea public keys [#906](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/906)
      * Use fingerprint to check instead content for public key [#911](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/911)
      * Fix random avatars [#1147](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1147)
      * Refactored process manager [#75](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/75)
      * Restrict rights to create new orgs [#193](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/193)
      * Added label and milestone sorting [#199](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/199)
      * Make minimum password length configurable [#223](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/223)
      * Speedup conflict checking on pull requests [#276](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/276)
      * Added button to delete merged pull request branches [#441](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/441)
      * Improved issue references within markdown [#471](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/471)
      * Dutch translation for the landingpage [#487](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/487)
      * Added Gogs migration script [#532](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/532)
      * Support a .gitea folder for issue templates [#582](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/582)
      * Enhanced diff-view coloring [#584](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/584)
      * Added ETag header to avatars [#721](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/721)
      * Added option to config to disable local path imports [#724](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/724)
      * Allow custom public files [#782](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/782)
      * Added pprof endpoint for debugging [#801](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/801)
      * Added X-GitHub-* headers [#809](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/809)
      * Fill SSH key title automatically [#863](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/863)
      * Display Git version on admin panel [#921](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/921)
      * Expose URL field on issue API [#982](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/982)
      * Statically compile the binaries [#985](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/985)
      * Embed build tags into version string [#1051](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1051)
      * Gitignore support for FSharp and Clojure [#1072](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1072)
      * Custom templates for static builds [#1087](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1087)
      * Add ProxyFromEnvironment if none set [#1096](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/1096)
    * MISC
      * Replaced remaining Gogs references
      * Added more tests on various packages
      * Use Crowdin for translations again
      * Resolved some XSS attack vectors
      * Optimized and reduced number of database queries
  • v1.0.2
      * Fixed issue counter [#882](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/882)
      * Fixed XSS vulnerability on wiki page [#955](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/955)
      * Add data dir without session to dump [#587](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/587)
      * Fixed wiki page renaming [#958](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/958)
      * Drop default console logger if not required [#960](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/960)
      * Fixed docker docs link on install page [#972](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/972)
      * Handle SetModel errors [#957](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/957)
      * Fixed XSS vulnerability on milestones [#977](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/977)
      * Fixed XSS vulnerability on alerts [#981](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/981)
  • v1.0.1
  • v1.0.0
  • v0.9.99