* Repo name added to automatically generated commit message when merging (#9997) (#10285)
  * Fix Workerpool deadlock (#10283) (#10284)
  * Divide GetIssueStats query in smaller chunks (#10176) (#10282)
  * Fix reply on code review (#10257)
  * Stop hanging issue indexer initialisation from preventing shutdown (#10243) (#10249)
  * Fix filter label emoji width (#10241) (#10244)
  * Fix issue sidebar menus having an infinite height (#10239) (#10240)
  * Fix commit between two commits calculation if there is only last commit (#10225) (#10226)
  * Only check for conflicts/merging if the PR has not been merged in the interim (#10132) (#10206)
  * Blacklist manifest.json & milestones user (#10292) (#10293)