* Prevent timer leaks in Workerpool and others (#11333) (#11340)
  * Fix tracked time issues (#11349) (#11354)
  * Add NotifySyncPushCommits to indexer notifier (#11309) (#11338)
  * Allow X in addition to x in tasks (#10979) (#11335)
  * When delete tracked time through the API return 404 not 500 (#11319) (#11326)
  * Prevent duplicate records in organizations list when creating a repository (#11303) (#11325)
  * Manage port in submodule refurl (#11305) (#11323)
  * api.Context.NotFound(...) should tolerate nil (#11288) (#11306)
  * Show pull request selection even when unrelated branches (#11239) (#11283)
  * Repo: milestone: make /milestone/:id endpoint accessible (#11264) (#11282)
  * Fix GetContents(): Dont't ignore Executables (#11192) (#11209)
  * Fix submodule paths when AppSubUrl is not root (#11098) (#11176)
  * Prevent clones and pushes to disabled wiki (#11131) (#11134)
  * Remove errant third closing curly-bracket from account.tmpl and send account ID in account.tmpl (#11130)
  * On Repo Deletion: Delete related TrackedTimes too (#11110) (#11125)
  * Refresh codemirror on show pull comment tab (#11100) (#11122)
  * Fix merge dialog on protected branch with missing required statuses (#11074) (#11084)
  * Load pr Issue Poster on API too (#11033) (#11039)
  * Fix release counter on API repository info (#10968) (#10996)
  * Generate Diff and Patch direct from Pull head (#10936) (#10938)
  * Fix rebase conflict detection in git 2.26 (#10929) (#10930)
  * Fix 404 and 500 image size in small size screen (#11043) (#11049)
  * Multiple Gitea Doctor improvements (#10943) (#10990) (#10064) (#9095) (#10991)