* Fix missing authorization check on pull for public repos of private/limited org (#11656) (#11683)
  * Use session for retrieving org teams (#11438) (#11439)
  * Return json on 500 error from API (#11574) (#11660)
  * Fix wrong milestone in webhook message (#11596) (#11612)
  * Prevent (caught) panic on login (#11590) (#11598)
  * Fix commit page js error (#11527)
  * Use media links for img in post-process (#10515) (#11504)
  * Ensure public repositories in private organizations are visible and fix admin organizations list (#11465) (#11475)
  * Set correct Content-Type value for Gogs/Gitea webhooks (#9504) (#10456) (#11461)
  * Allow all members of private orgs to see public repos (#11442) (#11459)
  * Whenever the ctx.Session is updated, release it to save it before sending the redirect (#11456) (#11457)
  * Forcibly clean and destroy the session on logout (#11447) (#11451)
  * Fix /api/v1/orgs/* endpoints by changing parameter to :org from :orgname (#11381)
  * Add tracked time fix to doctor (part of #11111) (#11138)
  * Fix webpack chunk loading with STATIC_URL_PREFIX (#11526) (#11544)
  * Remove unnecessary parentheses in wiki/revision.tmpl to allow 1.11 to build on go1.14  (#11481)