* Prevent git operations for inactive users (#13527) (#13537)
  * Disallow urlencoded new lines in git protocol paths if there is a port (#13521) (#13525)
  * API should only return Json (#13511) (#13564)
  * Fix before and since query arguments at API (#13559) (#13560)
  * Prevent panic on git blame by limiting lines to 4096 bytes at most (#13470) (#13492)
  * Fix link detection in repository description with tailing '_' (#13407) (#13408)
  * Remove obsolete change of email on profile page (#13341) (#13348)
  * Fix permission check on get Reactions API endpoints (#13344) (#13346)
  * Add migrated pulls to pull request task queue (#13331) (#13335)
  * API deny wrong pull creation options (#13308) (#13327)
  * Fix initial commit page & binary munching problem (#13249) (#13259)
  * Fix diff parsing (#13157) (#13136) (#13139)
  * Return error 404 not 500 from API if team does not exist (#13118) (#13119)
  * Prohibit automatic downgrades (#13108) (#13111)
  * Fix GitLab Migration Option AuthToken (#13101)
  * GitLab Label Color Normalizer (#12793) (#13100)
  * Log the underlying panic in runMigrateTask (#13096) (#13098)
  * Fix attachments list in edit comment (#13036) (#13097)
  * Fix deadlock when deleting team user (#13093)
  * Fix error create comment on outdated file (#13041) (#13042)
  * Fix repository create/delete event webhooks (#13008) (#13027)
  * Fix internal server error on README in submodule (#13006) (#13016)