* Add Allow-/Block-List for Migrate & Mirrors (#13610) (#13776)
  * Prevent git operations for inactive users (#13527) (#13536)
  * Disallow urlencoded new lines in git protocol paths if there is a port (#13521) (#13524)
  * Mitigate Security vulnerability in the git hook feature (#13058)
  * Disable DSA ssh keys by default (#13056)
  * Set TLS minimum version to 1.2 (#12689)
  * Use argon as default password hash algorithm (#12688)
  * Set RUN_MODE prod by default (#13765) (#13767)
  * Don't replace underscores in auto-generated IDs in goldmark (#12805)
  * Add Primary Key to Topic and RepoTopic tables (#12639)
  * Disable password complexity check default (#12557)
  * Change PIDFile default from /var/run/gitea.pid to /run/gitea.pid (#12500)
  * Add extension Support to Attachments (allow all types for releases) (#12465)
  * Remove IE11 Support (#11470)
  * Adopt repositories (#12920)
  * Check passwords against HaveIBeenPwned (#12716)
  * Gitea 2 Gitea migration (#12657)
  * Support storing Avatars in minio  (#12516)
  * Allow addition of gpg keyring with multiple keys (#12487)
  * Add email notify for new release (#12463)
  * Add Access-Control-Expose-Headers (#12446)
  * UserProfile Page: Render Description (#12415)
  * Add command to recreate tables (#12407)
  * Add mermaid JS renderer (#12334)
  * Add ssh certificate support (#12281)
  * Add spent time to referenced issue in commit message (#12220)
  * Initial support for push options (#12169)
  * Provide option to unlink a fork (#11858)
  * Show exact tag for commit on diff view (#11846)
  * Pause, Resume, Release&Reopen, Add and Remove Logging from command line (#11777)
  * Issue templates directory (#11450)
  * Add a storage layer for attachments (#11387)
  * Add hide activity option (#11353)
  * Add push commits history comment on PR time-line (#11167)
  * Support elastic search for code search (#10273)
  * Kanban board (#8346)
  * If User is Admin, show 500 error message on PROD mode too (#13115)
  * Add Timestamp to Tag list API (#13026)
  * Return sample message for login error in api context (#12994)
  * Add IsTemplate option in create repo ui and api (#12942)
  * GetReleaseByID return 404 if not found (#12933)
  * Get release by tags endpoint (#12932)
  * NotificationSubject show Issue/Pull State (#12901)
  * Expose its limitation settings (#12714)
  * Add Created & Updated to Milestone (#12662)
  * Milestone endpoints accept names too (#12649)
  * Expose Attachment Settings in the API (#12514)
  * Add Issue and Repo info to StopWatch (#12458)
  * Add cron running API (#12421)
  * Add Update Pull HeadBranch Function (#12419)
  * Add TOTP header to Swagger Documentation (#12402)
  * Delete Token accept names too (#12366)
  * Add name filter for GetMilestoneList (#12336)
  * Fixed count of filtered issues when api request. (#12275)
  * Do not override API issue pagination with UI settings (#12068)
  * Expose useful General Repo settings settings (#11758)
  * Return error when trying to create Mirrors but Mirrors are globally disabled (#11757)
  * Provide diff and patch API endpoints (#11751)
  * Allow to create closed milestones (#11745)
  * Add language Statistics endpoint (#11737)
  * Add Endpoint to get GetGeneralUI Settings (#11735) & (#11854)
  * Issue/Pull expose IsLocked Property on API (#11708)
  * Add endpoint for Branch Creation (#11607)
  * Add pagination headers on endpoints that support total count from database (#11145)
  * Fix bogus http requests on diffs (#13760) (#13761)
  * Show 'owner' tag for real owner (#13689) (#13743)
  * Validate email before inserting/updating (#13475) (#13666)
  * Fix issue/pull request list assignee filter (#13647) (#13651)
  * Gitlab migration support for subdirectories (#13563) (#13591)
  * Fix logic for preferred license setting (#13550) (#13557)
  * Add missed sync branch/tag webhook (#13538) (#13556)
  * Migration won't fail on non-migrated reactions (#13507)
  * Fix Italian language file parsing error (#13156)
  * Show outdated comments in pull request (#13148) (#13162)
  * Fix parsing of pre-release git version (#13169) (#13172)
  * Fix diff skipping lines (#13154) (#13155)
  * When handling errors in storageHandler check underlying error (#13178) (#13193)
  * Fix size and clickable area on file table back link (#13205) (#13207)
  * Add better error checking for inline html diff code (#13251)
  * Fix initial commit page & binary munching problem (#13249) (#13258)
  * Fix migrations from remote Gitea instances when configuration not set (#13229) (#13273)
  * Store task errors following migrations and display them (#13246) (#13287)
  * Fix bug isEnd detection on getIssues/getPullRequests (#13299) (#13301)
  * When the git ref is unable to be found return broken pr (#13218) (#13303)
  * Ensure topics added using the API are added to the repository (#13285) (#13302)
  * Fix avatar autogeneration (#13233) (#13282)
  * Add migrated pulls to pull request task queue (#13331) (#13334)
  * Issue comment reactions should also check pull type on API (#13349) (#13350)
  * Fix links to repositories in /user/setting/repos (#13360) (#13362)
  * Remove obsolete change of email on profile page (#13341) (#13347)
  * Fix scrolling to resolved comment anchors (#13343) (#13371)
  * Storage configuration support `[storage]` (#13314) (#13379)
  * When creating line diffs do not split within an html entity (#13357) (#13375) (#13425) (#13427)
  * Fix reactions on code comments (#13390) (#13401)
  * Add missing full names when DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME is enabled (#13424)
  * Replies to outdated code comments should also be outdated (#13217) (#13433)
  * Fix panic bug in handling multiple references in commit (#13486) (#13487)
  * Prevent panic on git blame by limiting lines to 4096 bytes at most (#13470) (#13491)
  * Show original author's reviews on pull summary box (#13127)
  * Update golangci-lint to version 1.31.0 (#13102)
  * Fix line break for MS teams webhook (#13081)
  * Fix Issue & Pull Request comment headers on mobile (#13039)
  * Avoid setting the CONN_STR in queues unless it is meant to be set (#13025)
  * Remove code-view class from diff view (#13011)
  * Fix the color of PR comment hyperlinks. (#13009)
  * (Re)Load issue labels when changing them (#13007)
  * Fix Media links in org files not liked to media files (#12997)
  * Always return a list from GetCommitsFromIDs (#12981)
  * Only set the user password if the password field would have been shown (#12980)
  * Fix admin/config page (#12979)
  * Changed width of commit signature avatar (#12961)
  * Completely quote AppPath and CustomConf paths (#12955)
  * Fix handling of migration errors (#12928)
  * Fix anonymous GL migration (#12862)
  * Fix git open close bug (#12834)
  * Fix markdown meta parsing (#12817)
  * Add default storage configurations (#12813)
  * Show PR settings on empty repos (#12808)
  * Disable watch and star if not signed in (#12807)
  * Whilst changing the character set to utf8mb4 we should set ROW_FORMAT=dynamic too (#12804)
  * Set opengraph attributes on org pages (#12803)
  * Return error when creating gitlabdownloader failed (#12790)
  * Add migration for password algorithm change (#12784)
  * Compare SSH_DOMAIN when parsing submodule URLs (#12753)
  * Fix editor.commit_empty_file_text locale string (#12744)
  * Fix wrong poster message for code comment on Pull view (#11721)
  * Escape failed highlighted files (#12685)
  * Ensure that all migration requests are cancellable (#12669)
  * Ensure RepoPath is lowercased in gitea serv (#12668)
  * Do not disable commit changes button on repost (#12644)
  * Dark theme for line numbers in blame view (#12632)
  * Fix message when deleting last owner from an organization (#12628)
  * Use shellquote to unpack arguments to gitea serv (#12624)
  * Fix signing.wont_sign.%!s(<nil>) if Require Signing commits but not signed in. (#12581)
  * Set utf8mb4 as the default charset on MySQL if CHARSET is unset (#12563)
  * Set context for running CreateArchive to that of the request (#12555)
  * Prevent redirect back to /user/events (#12462)
  * Re-attempt to delete temporary upload if the file is locked by another process (#12447)
  * Mirror System Notice reports are too frequent (#12438)
  * Do not show arrows on comment diffs on pull comment pages (#12434)
  * Fix milestone links (#12405)
  * Increase size of the language column in language_stat (#12396)
  * Use transaction in V102 migration (#12395)
  * Only use --exclude on name-rev with git >= 2.13 (#12347)
  * Add action feed for new release (#12324)
  * Set NoAutoTime when updating is_archived (#12266)
  * Support Force-update in Mirror and improve Tracing in mirror (#12242)
  * Avoid sending "0 new commits" webhooks (#12212)
  * Fix U2F button icon (#12167)
  * models/repo_sign.go: break out of loops (#12159)
  * Ensure that git commit tree continues properly over the page (#12142)
  * Rewrite GitGraph.js (#12137)
  * Fix repo API listing stability (#12057)
  * Add team support for review request (#12039)
  * Fix 500 error on repos with no tags (#11870)
  * Fix nil pointer in default issue mail template (#11862)
  * Fix commit search in all branches (#11849)
  * Don't consider tag refs as valid for branch name (#11847)
  * Don't add same line code comment box twice (#11837)
  * Fix visibility of forked public repos from private orgs (#11717)
  * Fix chardet test and add ordering option (#11621)
  * Fix number of files, total additions, and deletions on Diff pages (#11614)
  * Properly handle and return empty string for dangling commits in GetBranchName (#11587)
  * Include query in sign in redirect (#11579)
  * Fix Enter not working in SimpleMDE (#11564)
  * Fix bug about can't skip commits base on base branch (#11555)
  * Only Return JSON for responses (#13511) (#13565)
  * Use existing analyzer module for language detection for highlighting (#13522) (#13551)
  * Return the full rejection message and errors in flash errors (#13221) (#13237)
  * Remove PAM from auth dropdown when unavailable (#13276) (#13281)
  * Add HostCertificate to sshd_config in Docker image (#13143)
  * Save TimeStamps for Star, Label, Follow, Watch and Collaboration to Database (#13124)
  * Improve error feedback for duplicate deploy keys (#13112)
  * Set appropriate `autocomplete` attributes on password fields (#13078)
  * Adding visual cue for "Limited" & "Private" organizations. (#13040)
  * Fix Pull Request merge buttons on mobile (#13035)
  * Gitea serv, hooks, manager and the like should always display Fatals (#13032)
  * CSS tweaks to warning/error segments and misc fixes (#13024)
  * Fix formatting of branches ahead-behind on narrow windows (#12989)
  * Add config option to make create-on-push repositories public by default (#12936)
  * Disable migration items when mirror is selected (#12918)
  * Add the checkbox quick button to the comment tool bar also (#12885)
  * Support GH enterprise (#12863)
  * Simplify CheckUnitUser logic (#12854)
  * Fix background of signed-commits on arc-green of timeline commits (#12837)
  * Move git update-server-info to hooks (#12826)
  * Add ui style for "Open a blank issue" button (#12824)
  * Use a simple format for the big number on ui (#12822)
  * Make SVG size argument optional (#12814)
  * Add placeholder text for bio profile text form (#12792)
  * Set language via AJAX (#12785)
  * Show git-pull-request icon for closed pull request (#12742)
  * Migrate version parsing library to hashicorp/go-version (#12719)
  * Only use async pre-empt hack if go < 1.15 (#12718)
  * Inform user about meaning of an hourglass on reviews (#12713)
  * Add a migrate service type switch page (#12697)
  * Migrations: Gitlab Add Reactions Support for Issues & MergeRequests (#12695)
  * Remove duplicate logic in initListSubmits (#12660)
  * Set avatar image dimensions (#12654)
  * Rename models.ProtectedBranchRepoID/PRID to models.EnvRepoID/PRID and ensure EnvPusherEmail is set (#12646)
  * Set setting.AppURL as GITEA_ROOT_URL environment variable during pushes (#12752)
  * Add postgres schema to the search_path on database connection (#12634)
  * Git migration UX improvements (#12619)
  * Add link to home page on swagger ui (#12601)
  * hCaptcha Support (#12594)
  * OpenGraph: use repo avatar if exist (#12586)
  * Reaction picker display improvements (#12576)
  * Fix emoji replacements, make emoji images consistent (#12567)
  * Increase clickable area on files table links (#12553)
  * Set z-index for sticky diff box lower (#12537)
  * Report error if API merge is not allowed (#12528)
  * LFS support to be stored on minio (#12518)
  * Show 2FA info on Admin Pannel: Users List (#12515)
  * Milestone Issue/Pull List: Add octicons type (#12499)
  * Make dashboard newsfeed list length a configurable item (#12469)
  * Add placeholder text for send testing email button in admin/config (#12452)
  * Add SVG favicon (#12437)
  * In issue comments, put issue participants also in completion list when hitting @ (#12433)
  * Collapse Swagger UI tags by default (#12428)
  * Detect full references to issues and pulls in commit messages (#12399)
  * Allow common redis and leveldb connections (#12385)
  * Don't use legacy method to send Matrix Webhook (#12348)
  * Remove padding/border-radius on image diffs (#12346)
  * Render the git graph on the server (#12333)
  * Fix clone panel in wiki position not always align right (#12326)
  * Rework 'make generate-images' (#12316)
  * Refactor webhook payload convertion (#12310)
  * Move jquery-minicolors to npm/webpack (#12305)
  * Support use nvarchar for all varchar columns when using mssql (#12269)
  * Update Octicons to v10 (#12240)
  * Disable search box autofocus (#12229)
  * Replace code fold icons with octicons (#12222)
  * Ensure syntax highlighting is the same inside diffs (#12205)
  * Auto-init repo on license, .gitignore select (#12202)
  * Default to showing closed Issues/PR list when there are only closed issues/PRs (#12200)
  * Enable cloning via Git Wire Protocol v2 over HTTP (#12170)
  * Direct SVG rendering (#12157)
  * Improve arc-green code colors (#12111)
  * Allow admin to merge pr with protected file changes (#12078)
  * Show description on individual milestone view (#12055)
  * Update the wiki repository remote origin while update the mirror repository's Clone From URL (#12053)
  * Server-side syntax highlighting for all code (#12047)
  * Use Fomantic's fluid padded for blame full width (#12023)
  * Use custom SVGs for commit signing lock icon (#12017)
  * Make tabs smaller (#12003)
  * Fix sticky diff stats container (#12002)
  * Move fomantic and jQuery to main webpack bundle (#11997)
  * Use enry language type to detect special languages (#11974)
  * Use only first line of commit when creating referenced comment (#11960)
  * Rename custom/conf/app.ini.sample to custom/conf/app.example.ini for better syntax light on editor (#11926)
  * Fix double divider on issue sidebar (#11919)
  * Shorten markdown heading anchors links (#11903)
  * Add org avatar on top of internal repo icon (#11895)
  * Use label to describe repository type (#11891)
  * Make repository size unclickable on repo summary bar (#11887)
  * Rework blame template and styling (#11885)
  * Fix icon alignment for show/hide outdated link on resolved conversation (#11881)
  * Vertically align review icons on repository sidebar (#11880)
  * Better align items using flex within review request box (#11879)
  * Only write to global gitconfig if necessary (#11876)
  * Disable all typographic replacements in markdown renderer (#11871)
  * Improve label edit buttons labels (#11841)
  * Use crispEdges rendering for octicon-internal-repo (#11801)
  * Show update branch item in merge box when it's necessary (#11761)
  * Add compare link to releases (#11752)
  * Allow site admin to disable mirrors (#11740)
  * Export monaco editor on window.codeEditors (#11739)
  * Add configurable Trust Models (#11712)
  * Show full GPG commit status on PR commit history (#11702)
  * Fix align issues and decrease avatar size on PR timeline (#11689)
  * Replace jquery-datetimepicker with native date input (#11684)
  * Change Style of Tags on Comments (#11668)
  * Fix missing styling for shabox on PR commit history (#11625)
  * Apply padding to approval icons on PR list (#11622)
  * Fix message wrapping on PR commit list (#11616)
  * Right-align status icon on pull request commit history (#11594)
  * Add missing padding for multi-commit list on PR view (#11593)
  * Do not show avatar for "{{user}} added X commits" (#11591)
  * Fix styling and padding for commit list on PR view (#11588)
  * Style code review comment for arc-green (#11572)
  * Use default commit message for wiki edits (#11550)
  * Add internal-repo octicon for public repos of private org (#11529)
  * Fix dropzone color on arc-green (#11514)
  * Insert ui divider directly in templates instead of from inside heatmap vue component (#11508)
  * Move tributejs to npm/webpack (#11497)
  * Fix text-transform on wiki revisions page (#11486)
  * Do not show lock icon on repo list for public repos in private org (#11445)
  * Include LFS when calculating repo size (#11060)
  * Add check for LDAP group membership (#10869)
  * When starting new stopwatch stop previous if it is still running (#10533)
  * Add queue for code indexer (#10332)
  * Move all push update operations to a queue (#10133)
  * Cache last commit when pushing for big repository (#10109)
  * Change/remove a branch of an open issue (#9080)
  * Sortable Tables Header By Click (#7980)
  * Use community codecov drone plugin (#12468)
  * Add more tests for diff highlighting (#12467)
  * Don't put integration test data outside of test folder (#11746)
  * Add debug option to hooks (#11624)
  * Log slow tests (#11487)
  * Translate two small lables on commit statuse list (#12821)
  * Make issues.force_push_codes message shorter (#11575)
  * Bump min required golang to 1.13 (#12717)
  * Add 'make watch' (#12636)
  * Extract Swagger CSS to its own file (#12616)
  * Update eslint config (#12609)
  * Avoid unnecessary system-ui expansion (#12522)
  * Make the default PID file compile-time settable (#12485)
  * Add 'watch-backend' (#12330)
  * Detect version of sed in Makefile (#12319)
  * Update gitea-vet to v0.2.1 (#12282)
  * Add logic to build stable and edge builds for gitea snap (#12052)
  * Fix missing CGO_EXTRA_FLAGS build arg for docker (#11782)
  * Alpine 3.12 (#11720)
  * Enable stylelint's shorthand-property-no-redundant-values (#11436)
  * Change default log configuration (#13088)
  * Add automatic JS license generation (#11810)
  * Remove page size limit comment from swagger (#11806)
  * Narrow down Edge version in browser support docs (#11640)