* Return the full rejection message and errors in flash errors (#13221) (#13237)
  * Remove PAM from auth dropdown when unavailable (#13276) (#13281)
  * Fix Italian language file parsing error (#13156)
  * Show outdated comments in pull request (#13148) (#13162)
  * Fix parsing of pre-release git version (#13169) (#13172)
  * Fix diff skipping lines (#13154) (#13155)
  * When handling errors in storageHandler check underlying error (#13178) (#13193)
  * Fix size and clickable area on file table back link (#13205) (#13207)
  * Add better error checking for inline html diff code (#13251)
  * Fix initial commit page & binary munching problem (#13249) (#13258)
  * Fix migrations from remote Gitea instances when configuration not set (#13229) (#13273)
  * Store task errors following migrations and display them (#13246) (#13287)
  * Fix bug isEnd detection on getIssues/getPullRequests (#13299) (#13301)
  * When the git ref is unable to be found return broken pr (#13218) (#13303)
  * Ensure topics added using the API are added to the repository (#13285) (#13302)
  * Fix avatar autogeneration (#13233) (#13282)
  * Add migrated pulls to pull request task queue (#13331) (#13334)
    * Issue comment reactions should also check pull type on API (#13349) (#13350)
  * Fix links to repositories in /user/setting/repos (#13360) (#13362)
  * Remove obsolete change of email on profile page (#13341) (#13347)
  * Fix scrolling to resolved comment anchors (#13343) (#13371)
    * Storage configuration support `[storage]` (#13314) (#13379)
  * When creating line diffs do not split within an html entity (#13357) (#13375) (#13425) (#13427)
  * Fix reactions on code comments (#13390) (#13401)
  * Add missing full names when DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME is enabled (#13424)
  * Replies to outdated code comments should also be outdated (#13217) (#13433)
  * Fix panic bug in handling multiple references in commit (#13486) (#13487)
  * Prevent panic on git blame by limiting lines to 4096 bytes at most (#13470) (#13491)