
  * Prevent panic on fuzzer provided string (#14405) (#14409)
  * Add secure/httpOnly attributes to the lang cookie (#14279) (#14280)
  * If release publisher is deleted use ghost user (#14375)
  * Internal ssh server respect Ciphers, MACs and KeyExchanges settings (#14523) (#14530)
  * Set the name Mapper in migrations (#14526) (#14529)
  * Fix wiki preview (#14515)
  * Update code.gitea.io/sdk/gitea v0.13.1 -> v0.13.2 (#14497)
  * ChangeUserName: rename user files back on DB issue (#14447)
  * Fix lfs preview bug (#14428) (#14433)
  * Ensure timeout error is shown on u2f timeout (#14417) (#14431)
  * Fix Deadlock & Delete affected reactions on comment deletion (#14392) (#14425)
  * Use path not filepath in routers/editor (#14390) (#14396)
  * Check if label template exist first (#14384) (#14389)
  * Fix migration v141 (#14387) (#14388)
  * Use Request.URL.RequestURI() for fcgi (#14347)
  * Use ServerError provided by Context (#14333) (#14345)
  * Fix edit-label form init (#14337)
  * Fix mailIssueCommentBatch for pull request (#14252) (#14296)
  * Render links for commit hashes followed by comma (#14224) (#14227)
  * Send notifications for mentions in pulls, issues, (code-)comments (#14218) (#14221)
  * Fix avatar bugs (#14217) (#14220)
  * Ensure that schema search path is set with every connection on postgres (#14131) (#14216)
  * Fix dashboard issues labels filter bug (#14210) (#14214)
  * When visit /favicon.ico but the static file is not exist return 404 but not continue to handle the route (#14211) (#14213)
  * Fix branch selector on new issue page (#14194) (#14207)
  * Check for notExist on profile repository page (#14197) (#14203)