* Fix regex for issues in commit messages (#7444) (#7466)
  * cmd/serv: actually exit after fatal errors (#7458) (#7460)
  * Fix an issue with some pages throwing 'not defined' js exceptions #7450 (#7453)
  * Fix Dropzone.js integration (#7445) (#7448)
  * Create class for inline positioned lists (#7439) (#7393)
  * Diff: Fix indentation on unhighlighted code (#7435) (#7443)
  * jQuery 3 (#7442) (#7425)
  * Only show "New Pull Request" button if repo allows pulls (#7426) (#7432)
  * Fix vendor references (#7394) (#7396)
  * Only return head: null if source branch was deleted (#6705) (#7376)
  * Add missing template variable on organisation settings (#7386) (#7385)
  * Fix post parameter on issue list which had unset assignee (#7380) (#7383)
  * Fix migration tests due to issue 7 being resolved (#7375) (#7381)<Paste>